1 | package com.example.helloandroid;
2 |
3 | import java.util.ArrayList;
4 |
5 | import android.graphics.Canvas;
6 | import android.graphics.Color;
7 | import android.graphics.Paint;
8 | import android.graphics.Path;
9 | import android.util.Log;
10 |
11 | public class Fleet {
12 | private int x;
13 | private int y;
14 | private double dblX;
15 | private double dblY;
16 | private double slope, xIntercept;
17 | private double direction;
18 | private Planet destination, nearPlanet;
19 | private int numShips;
20 | private int faction;
21 | private boolean isNextToAPlanet;
22 | private boolean isClockwise;
23 |
24 | /* Optimizing: pre-calculate paths */
25 | public Fleet(Planet source, Planet destination, int numShips, int faction) {
26 | source.setNumShips(source.getNumShips()-numShips);
27 |
28 | //Calculate initial coordinates and direction
29 | if((destination.getX() - source.getX()) != 0){
30 | //line formula
31 | slope = getSlope(source.getX(),source.getY(),destination.getX(),destination.getY());
32 |
33 | xIntercept = destination.getY() - (slope*destination.getX());
34 |
35 | //direction
36 | direction = Math.atan(slope);
37 |
38 | //coordinates for all 4 coordinates
39 | if((destination.getX() - source.getX()) < 0 )
40 | direction += Math.PI;
41 |
42 | dblX = ((Math.cos(direction)*(source.radius + 10) + source.getX()));
43 | dblY = ((Math.sin(direction)*(source.radius + 10) + source.getY()));
44 |
45 | } else {
46 | if((destination.getY() - source.getY()) > 0 ){
47 | direction = Math.PI/2;
48 | dblX = destination.getX();
49 | dblY = source.getY() + source.radius + 10;
50 | } else {
51 | direction = 3*Math.PI/2;
52 | dblX = destination.getX();
53 | dblY = source.getY() - source.radius - 10;
54 | }
55 | xIntercept = destination.getX();
56 | }
57 |
58 | x = (int)dblX;
59 | y = (int)dblY;
60 |
61 | this.numShips = numShips;
62 | this.faction = faction;
63 | this.destination = destination;
64 | this.isNextToAPlanet = false;
65 |
66 | Log.d("Galcon", "Source: ("+source.getX()+", "+source.getY()+")");
67 | Log.d("Galcon", "Destination: ("+destination.getX()+", "+destination.getY()+")");
68 | Log.d("Galcon", "Initial direction: "+direction);
69 |
70 | if(direction < 0)
71 | direction += Math.PI*2;
72 | }
73 |
74 |
75 | public int getX() {
76 | return x;
77 | }
78 |
79 |
80 |
81 | public void setX(int x) {
82 | this.x = x;
83 | }
84 |
85 |
86 |
87 | public int getY() {
88 | return y;
89 | }
90 |
91 |
92 |
93 | public void setY(int y) {
94 | this.y = y;
95 | }
96 |
97 |
98 |
99 | public double getDirection() {
100 | return direction;
101 | }
102 |
103 |
104 |
105 | public void setDirection(double direction) {
106 | this.direction = direction;
107 | }
108 |
109 |
110 |
111 | public Planet getDestination() {
112 | return destination;
113 | }
114 |
115 |
116 |
117 | public void setDestination(Planet destination) {
118 | this.destination = destination;
119 | }
120 |
121 |
122 |
123 | public int getNumShips() {
124 | return numShips;
125 | }
126 |
127 |
128 |
129 | public void setNumShips(int numShips) {
130 | this.numShips = numShips;
131 | }
132 |
133 |
134 |
135 | public int getFaction() {
136 | return faction;
137 | }
138 |
139 |
140 |
141 | public void setFaction(int faction) {
142 | this.faction = faction;
143 | }
144 |
145 | public void draw(Canvas canvas, Paint linePaint) {
146 | Path p = new Path();
147 |
148 | p.moveTo((float)(x+5*Math.cos(direction+Math.PI/2)), (float)(y+5*Math.sin(direction+Math.PI/2)));
149 | p.lineTo((float)(x+5*Math.cos(direction-Math.PI/2)), (float)(y+5*Math.sin(direction-Math.PI/2)));
150 | p.lineTo((float)(x+10*Math.cos(direction)), (float)(y+10*Math.sin(direction)));
151 | p.lineTo((float)(x+5*Math.cos(direction+Math.PI/2)), (float)(y+5*Math.sin(direction+Math.PI/2)));
152 |
153 | int c, prevC = linePaint.getColor();
154 |
155 | switch(faction) {
156 | case 0:
157 | c = Color.argb(255, 100, 100, 100);
158 | break;
159 | case 1:
160 | c = Color.argb(255, 255, 0, 0);
161 | break;
162 | case 2:
163 | c = Color.argb(255, 0, 180, 0);
164 | break;
165 | case 3:
166 | c = Color.argb(255, 0, 0, 255);
167 | break;
168 | case 4:
169 | c = Color.argb(255, 150, 150, 0);
170 | break;
171 | default:
172 | c = prevC;
173 | }
174 |
175 | linePaint.setColor(c);
176 |
177 | canvas.drawPath(p, linePaint);
178 |
179 | linePaint.setColor(prevC);
180 | }
181 |
182 | public void update(ArrayList<Planet> planets) {
183 | int speed = 3; //pixels per move
184 | double distance, tangentAngle, angle;
185 |
186 | //is the ship going around a planet already
187 | if(!isNextToAPlanet){
188 | /*looks through all the planets to figure out if
189 | the ship's path is about to intersect a planet*/
190 | for(Planet p: planets){
191 | //if two point of intersection are found save planet
192 | distance = getDistanceBetween(dblX,dblY,p.getX(),p.getY());
193 | if(distance <= p.radius){
194 | nearPlanet = p;
195 | break;
196 | }
197 | }
198 | //if temp planet is not picked move along the direction by #speed
199 | if(nearPlanet == null) {
200 | dblY += (Math.sin(direction)*speed);
201 | dblX += (Math.cos(direction)*speed);
202 |
203 | x = (int)dblX;
204 | y = (int)dblY;
205 | }else {
206 | if(nearPlanet == destination){
207 | attack();
208 | return;
209 | }
210 |
211 | tangentAngle = Math.atan(getSlope(nearPlanet.getX(),nearPlanet.getY(),dblX,dblY));
212 |
213 | if(dblX < nearPlanet.getX())
214 | tangentAngle += Math.PI;
215 |
216 | tangentAngle += Math.PI/2;
217 |
218 | if(Math.abs(tangentAngle-direction) > Math.PI/2) {
219 | isClockwise = false;
220 | direction = tangentAngle-Math.PI;
221 | }else {
222 | isClockwise = true;
223 | direction = tangentAngle;
224 | }
225 |
226 | Log.d("Galcon", "isClockwise: "+isClockwise);
227 |
228 | xIntercept = dblY - (dblX*Math.tan(direction));
229 |
230 | isNextToAPlanet = true;
231 | }
232 | } else {
233 | //can you reach the center of the planet by following this direction
234 | //if so set isNextToAPlanet to false and move
235 | //otherwise continue moving along the circumference
236 |
237 | double dist = Math.abs(destination.getY() - (Math.tan(direction)*destination.getX()) - xIntercept)/(double)Math.sqrt(Math.pow(direction,2)+1);
238 | int allowedError = 2;
239 | if(nearPlanet.radius <= 10)
240 | allowedError = 10;
241 | else if(nearPlanet.radius <= 30)
242 | allowedError = 5;
243 | if(dist < allowedError){
244 | dblY += (Math.sin(direction)*speed);
245 | dblX += (Math.cos(direction)*speed);
246 |
247 | x = (int)dblX;
248 | y = (int)dblY;
249 |
250 | if (getDistanceBetween(dblX,dblY,nearPlanet.getX(),nearPlanet.getY()) > nearPlanet.radius){
251 | isNextToAPlanet = false;
252 | nearPlanet = null;
253 |
254 | slope = getSlope(x,y,destination.getX(),destination.getY());
255 |
256 | xIntercept = destination.getY() - (slope*destination.getX());
257 |
258 | //direction
259 | direction = Math.atan(slope);
260 |
261 | //coordinates for all 4 coordinates
262 | if((destination.getX() - x) < 0 )
263 | direction += Math.PI;
264 | }
265 | } else {
266 | angle = speed/(double)nearPlanet.radius*.1;
267 |
268 | if(isClockwise){
269 | dblX = Math.cos(direction - (Math.PI/2) + angle)*nearPlanet.radius + nearPlanet.getX();
270 | dblY = Math.sin(direction - (Math.PI/2) + angle)*nearPlanet.radius + nearPlanet.getY();
271 | direction = direction + angle;
272 | } else {
273 | dblX = Math.cos(direction + (Math.PI/2) - angle)*nearPlanet.radius + nearPlanet.getX();
274 | dblY = Math.sin(direction + (Math.PI/2) - angle)*nearPlanet.radius + nearPlanet.getY();
275 | direction = direction - angle;
276 | }
277 |
278 | x = (int)dblX;
279 | y = (int)dblY;
280 | xIntercept = dblY - (dblX*Math.tan(direction));
281 | }
282 | }
283 | }
284 |
285 | // attack the destination planet
286 | //after the method is called the fleet needs to removed
287 | public void attack() {
288 | if(this.faction == destination.getFaction())
289 | destination.setNumShips(destination.getNumShips() + numShips);
290 | else if(numShips <= destination.getNumShips()){
291 | destination.setNumShips(destination.getNumShips() - numShips);
292 | } else {
293 | destination.setNumShips(numShips - destination.getNumShips());
294 | destination.setFaction(this.faction);
295 | }
296 | this.numShips = 0;
297 | }
298 |
299 | //helper functions
300 | private double getDistanceBetween(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2) {
301 | return Math.sqrt(Math.pow((x2 - x1),2) + Math.pow((y2 - y1),2));
302 | }
303 |
304 | private double getSlope(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2) {
305 | return ((y2 - y1)/(double)(x2 - x1));
306 | }
307 | } |