package main; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.image.*; import java.awt.event.*; import*; import java.util.*; import javax.imageio.*; import java.text.*; import gamegui.*; /* * This is the main class in the project. It initializes wide-screen mode and is responsible for drawing to the screen and handling * input. * * The classes in the gamegui folder are similar to the Swing classes in that they help in building a gui. They are all extended from * the Member class and instances of each of them can be added to a Window class. They also have input-handling functionality. */ public class LostHavenRPG implements KeyListener, MouseListener { private static DisplayMode[] BEST_DISPLAY_MODES = new DisplayMode[] { new DisplayMode(800, 600, 32, 0), new DisplayMode(800, 600, 16, 0), new DisplayMode(800, 600, 8, 0) }; boolean done; boolean changePending; Player player; Map map; //all "types" should be enums so it's easier to see all possible values while programming HashMap landMap; HashMap structMap; HashMap creatureMap; BufferedImage girl; BufferedImage guy; public GameState gameState; public AuxState auxState; //GUI elements Frame frmMain; gamegui.Window wndMain; gamegui.Window wndCreateAccount; gamegui.Window wndChooseClass; gamegui.Window wndGameInfo; gamegui.Window wndCredits; RadioGroup rdgGenderSelection; RadioGroup rdgClassSelection; gamegui.Window wndMessage; gamegui.Window wndProgress; gamegui.Window wndConnecting; Textbox selectedText; public LostHavenRPG(GraphicsDevice device) { try { GraphicsConfiguration gc = device.getDefaultConfiguration(); frmMain = new Frame(gc); frmMain.setUndecorated(true); frmMain.setIgnoreRepaint(true); device.setFullScreenWindow(frmMain); if (device.isDisplayChangeSupported()) { chooseBestDisplayMode(device); } frmMain.addMouseListener(this); frmMain.addKeyListener(this); frmMain.createBufferStrategy(2); BufferStrategy bufferStrategy = frmMain.getBufferStrategy(); player = new Player(); done = false; changePending = false; gameState = GameState.Main; auxState = AuxState.None; loadMap(); map = new Map("mapInfo.txt", "structInfo.txt", landMap, structMap); map.getLoc(10, 10).addCreature(new Creature()); initGUIElements(); while (!done) { Graphics g = bufferStrategy.getDrawGraphics(); move(); render(g); g.dispose();; } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { device.setFullScreenWindow(null); } } private void initGUIElements() { Font font10 = new Font("Arial", Font.PLAIN, 10); Font font11 = new Font("Arial", Font.PLAIN, 11); Font font12 = new Font("Arial", Font.PLAIN, 12); Font font14 = new Font("Arial", Font.PLAIN, 14); Font font24 = new Font("Arial", Font.PLAIN, 24); wndMain = new gamegui.Window("main", 0, 0, 800, 600, true); Animation anmTitle = new Animation("title", 144, 0, 512, 95, 1000/12); try { anmTitle.addFrame("images/Frame1.png"))); anmTitle.addFrame("images/Frame2.png"))); anmTitle.addFrame("images/Frame3.png"))); anmTitle.addFrame("images/Frame4.png"))); anmTitle.addFrame("images/Frame5.png"))); }catch(IOException ioe) { ioe.printStackTrace(); } wndMain.add(anmTitle); wndMain.add(new gamegui.Button("new game", 500, 140, 200, 40, "New Game", font12)); wndMain.add(new gamegui.Button("load game", 500, 230, 200, 40, "Load Game", font12)); wndMain.add(new gamegui.Button("game info", 500, 320, 200, 40, "Game Information", font12)); wndMain.add(new gamegui.Button("credits", 500, 410, 200, 40, "Credits", font12)); wndMain.add(new gamegui.Button("quit", 500, 500, 200, 40, "Quit", font12)); wndCreateAccount = new gamegui.Window("create account", 0, 0, 800, 600, true); rdgGenderSelection = new RadioGroup("gender selection", 400, 315, 190, 30, "Gender:", font12); rdgGenderSelection.add(new RadioButton("male", 438, 318, 24, 24, "Male", font11, false)); rdgGenderSelection.add(new RadioButton("female", 528, 318, 24, 24, "Female", font11, false)); wndCreateAccount.add(new gamegui.Label("title", 250, 15, 300, 20, "Create an Account", font24, true)); wndCreateAccount.add(new Textbox("user", 400, 150, 190, 30, "Username:", font12, false)); wndCreateAccount.add(rdgGenderSelection); wndCreateAccount.add(new gamegui.Label("show class", 330, 370, 70, 30, "None", font12, false)); wndCreateAccount.add(new gamegui.Button("choose class", 400, 370, 190, 30, "Choose Your Class", font12)); wndCreateAccount.add(new gamegui.Button("create", 245, 520, 140, 30, "Create", font12)); wndCreateAccount.add(new gamegui.Button("cancel", 415, 520, 140, 30, "Cancel", font12)); wndChooseClass = new gamegui.Window("choose class", 0, 0, 800, 600, true); rdgClassSelection = new RadioGroup("class selection", 0, 0, 0, 0, "", font12); rdgClassSelection.add(new RadioButton("fighter", 138, 88, 24, 24, "Fighter", font14, true)); rdgClassSelection.add(new RadioButton("ranger", 138, 158, 24, 24, "Ranger", font14, true)); rdgClassSelection.add(new RadioButton("barbarian", 138, 228, 24, 24, "Barbarian", font14, true)); rdgClassSelection.add(new RadioButton("sorceror", 138, 298, 24, 24, "Sorceror", font14, true)); rdgClassSelection.add(new RadioButton("druid", 138, 368, 24, 24, "Druid", font14, true)); rdgClassSelection.add(new RadioButton("wizard", 138, 438, 24, 24, "Wizard", font14, true)); wndChooseClass.add(new gamegui.Label("title", 250, 15, 300, 20, "Choose a Character", font24, true)); wndChooseClass.add(rdgClassSelection); wndChooseClass.add(new gamegui.Label("fighter", 170, 114, 170, 0, "A resolute and steadfast champion who has perfected the art of battle and his skill in melee weapons", font10, false)); wndChooseClass.add(new gamegui.Label("ranger", 170, 184, 170, 0, "A skilled combatant who sneaks up on his opponents or shoots them from afar before they know it", font10, false)); wndChooseClass.add(new gamegui.Label("barbarian", 170, 254, 170, 0, "A wild warrior who is unstoppable in battle and uses his own fury to strengthen his attacks", font10, false)); wndChooseClass.add(new gamegui.Label("sorceror", 170, 324, 170, 0, "A chaotic spellcaster who uses his charisma and force of will to power his spells", font10, false)); wndChooseClass.add(new gamegui.Label("druid", 170, 394, 170, 0, "A mystical enchanter who relies on the power of nature and his wisdom to work his magic", font10, false)); wndChooseClass.add(new gamegui.Label("wizard", 170, 464, 170, 0, "A methodical and studious character who studies his opponents to know how to best attack them", font10, false)); wndChooseClass.add(new gamegui.Button("select", 245, 520, 140, 30, "Select", font12)); wndChooseClass.add(new gamegui.Button("cancel", 415, 520, 140, 30, "Cancel", font12)); wndMessage = new gamegui.Window("message", 290, 135, 220, 160, false); wndMessage.add(new gamegui.Label("label", 70, 15, 80, 12, "none", font12, true)); wndMessage.add(new gamegui.Button("button", 70, 115, 80, 30, "OK", font12)); } private void loadMap() { landMap = new HashMap(); structMap = new HashMap(); BufferedImage nullImg = null; try { girl ="images/ArmoredGirl.png")); guy ="images/ArmoredGuy.png")); }catch(IOException ioe) { ioe.printStackTrace(); } landMap.put(LandType.Ocean, new Land(LandType.Ocean, "Ocean.png", false)); landMap.put(LandType.Grass, new Land(LandType.Grass, "Grass.png", true)); structMap.put(StructureType.None, new Structure(StructureType.None, nullImg, true)); structMap.put(StructureType.BlueOrb, new Structure(StructureType.BlueOrb, "Blue Orb.png", false)); structMap.put(StructureType.Cave, new Structure(StructureType.Cave, "Cave.png", false)); structMap.put(StructureType.Gravestone, new Structure(StructureType.Gravestone, "Gravestone.png", false)); structMap.put(StructureType.GraveyardFence1, new Structure(StructureType.GraveyardFence1, "HorGrave.png", false)); structMap.put(StructureType.GraveyardFence2, new Structure(StructureType.GraveyardFence2, "VerGrave.png", false)); structMap.put(StructureType.PicketFence1, new Structure(StructureType.PicketFence1, "HorPalisade.png", false)); structMap.put(StructureType.PicketFence2, new Structure(StructureType.PicketFence2, "VerPalisade.png", false)); structMap.put(StructureType.Hut, new Structure(StructureType.Hut, "Hut.png", false)); structMap.put(StructureType.WitchHut, new Structure(StructureType.WitchHut, "Witch Hut.png", false)); structMap.put(StructureType.Tent, new Structure(StructureType.Tent, "Tent.png", false)); structMap.put(StructureType.LargeTent, new Structure(StructureType.LargeTent, "LargeTent.png", false)); structMap.put(StructureType.House, new Structure(StructureType.House, "House.png", false)); structMap.put(StructureType.Tree, new Structure(StructureType.Tree, "Trees.png", false)); structMap.put(StructureType.BlueOrb, new Structure(StructureType.BlueOrb, "Blue Orb.png", false)); structMap.put(StructureType.RedOrb, new Structure(StructureType.RedOrb, "Red Orb.png", false)); structMap.put(StructureType.LoginPedestal, new Structure(StructureType.LoginPedestal, "YellowPedestal.png", true)); structMap.put(StructureType.RejuvenationPedestal, new Structure(StructureType.RejuvenationPedestal, "PurplePedestal.png", true)); structMap.put(StructureType.LifePedestal, new Structure(StructureType.LifePedestal, "RedPedestal.png", true)); structMap.put(StructureType.ManaPedestal, new Structure(StructureType.ManaPedestal, "BluePedestal.png", true)); } private void move() { double dist = player.getSpeed()*(System.currentTimeMillis()-player.getLastMoved())/1000; Point lastLoc = player.getLoc(); Point target = player.getTarget(); Point newLoc; player.setLastMoved(System.currentTimeMillis()); if(Point.dist(lastLoc, player.getTarget()) <= dist) player.setLoc(player.getTarget()); else { int xDif = (int)(Point.xDif(lastLoc, target)*dist/Point.dist(lastLoc, target)); int yDif = (int)(Point.yDif(lastLoc, target)*dist/Point.dist(lastLoc, target)); newLoc = new Point(lastLoc.getX(), lastLoc.getXMin()+xDif, lastLoc.getY(), lastLoc.getYMin()+yDif); newLoc.setX(newLoc.getX()+newLoc.getXMin()/100); newLoc.setXMin(newLoc.getXMin()%100); newLoc.setY(newLoc.getY()+newLoc.getYMin()/100); newLoc.setYMin(newLoc.getYMin()%100); if(newLoc.getXMin()<0) { newLoc.setX(newLoc.getX()-1); newLoc.setXMin(newLoc.getXMin()+100); }else if(newLoc.getYMin()<0) { newLoc.setY(newLoc.getY()-1); newLoc.setYMin(newLoc.getYMin()+100); } if(map.getLoc(newLoc.getX()/100, newLoc.getY()/100).isPassable()) player.setLoc(newLoc); else player.setTarget(player.getLoc()); } } private void render(Graphics g) { g.setColor(; g.fillRect(0, 0, 800, 600); switch(gameState) { case Main: drawMain(g); break; case CreateAccount: drawCreateAccount(g); break; case CreateClass: drawCreateClass(g); break; case LoadGame: drawLoadGame(g); break; case Info: drawInfo(g); break; case Credits: drawCredits(g); break; case Game: calculateMapVertices(); drawMap(g); drawItems(g); drawCreatures(g); drawChar(g); drawStatDisplay(g); drawChat(g); break; case GameMenu: calculateMapVertices(); drawMap(g); drawItems(g); drawCreatures(g); drawChar(g); drawStatDisplay(g); drawChat(g); drawGameMenu(g); break; case GameInventory: calculateMapVertices(); drawMap(g); drawItems(g); drawCreatures(g); drawChar(g); drawStatDisplay(g); drawChat(g); drawGameInventory(g); break; case GameStats: calculateMapVertices(); drawMap(g); drawItems(g); drawCreatures(g); drawChar(g); drawStatDisplay(g); drawChat(g); drawGameStats(g); break; } switch(auxState) { case None: break; case MsgBox: wndMessage.draw(g); break; } } public static String dateString() { return new SimpleDateFormat("MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss").format(new Date()); } public void showMessage(String text) { auxState = AuxState.MsgBox; ((gamegui.Label)wndMessage.getMember("label")).setText(text); } private void calculateMapVertices() { } private void drawMain(Graphics g) { wndMain.draw(g); g.setColor(; g.drawRect(10, 100, 380, 490); g.drawRect(410, 100, 380, 490); } private void drawCreateAccount(Graphics g) { wndCreateAccount.draw(g); } private void drawCreateClass(Graphics g) { wndChooseClass.draw(g); } private void drawLoadGame(Graphics g) { Font tempFont = new Font("Arial", Font.PLAIN, 12); FontMetrics metrics = g.getFontMetrics(tempFont); g.setFont(tempFont); g.setColor(; g.drawString("There is not a whole lot here right now. You can click anywhere on the screen to get back to the main menu.", 0, metrics.getHeight()); } private void drawInfo(Graphics g) { Font tempFont = new Font("Arial", Font.PLAIN, 12); FontMetrics metrics = g.getFontMetrics(tempFont); g.setFont(tempFont); g.setColor(; g.drawString("There is not a whole lot here right now. You can click anywhere on the screen to get back to the main menu.", 0, metrics.getHeight()); } private void drawCredits(Graphics g) { Font tempFont = new Font("Arial", Font.PLAIN, 12); FontMetrics metrics = g.getFontMetrics(tempFont); g.setFont(tempFont); g.setColor(; g.drawString("There is not a whole lot here right now. You can click anywhere on the screen to get back to the main menu.", 0, metrics.getHeight()); } private void drawMap(Graphics g) { int locX = player.getLoc().getX(); int locY = player.getLoc().getY(); int xLow = locX/100-4; int xHigh = xLow+9; int yLow = locY/100-3; int yHigh = yLow+7; if(xLow<0) xLow = 0; if(xHigh>=map.getLength()) xHigh = map.getLength()-1; if(yLow<0) yLow = 0; if(yHigh>=map.getHeight()) yHigh = map.getHeight()-1; for(int x=xLow; x