package main; import; import; import; import java.awt.event.KeyEvent; import java.awt.GraphicsEnvironment; import java.awt.geom.Point2D; import java.awt.event.MouseEvent; import java.util.Iterator; import java.text.DecimalFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D; import java.awt.geom.Ellipse2D; import java.awt.MouseInfo; import java.awt.Shape; import java.awt.Rectangle; import java.awt.image.BufferStrategy; import java.awt.GraphicsConfiguration; import java.awt.Toolkit; import java.awt.GraphicsDevice; import java.awt.geom.Area; import java.awt.FontMetrics; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Font; import java.awt.Frame; import java.util.HashMap; import java.awt.Graphics; import java.awt.Point; import java.awt.event.MouseListener; import java.awt.event.KeyListener; import collision.Bound; import gamegui.ScrollBar; import gamegui.Align; import gamegui.Member; import gamegui.Textbox; import gamegui.Label; import gamegui.Button; import gamegui.ScrollList; import gamegui.Window; import utils.DynamicImage; import utils.Utils; import utils.WrappedString; public class LostHavenRPG implements KeyListener, MouseListener { private static final boolean RUNNING_FROM_JAR = false; GameState gameState; AuxState auxState; Point playerLoc; boolean started; boolean done; boolean showFps; boolean bounds; boolean passable; boolean minimizedGui; int frameCount; int lastFrameCount; int refreshRate; long lastFpsUpdate; Graphics g; HashMap imageMap; HashMap crMap; static HashMap itemMap; Map map; Frame frmMain; Window wndMain; Window wndCreateAccount; Window wndLoadGame; Window wndCredits; Window wndStatDisplay; Window wndDiagnostics; Window wndCharacter; Window wndInventory; Window wndQuests; boolean showCharacter; boolean showInventory; boolean showQuests; ScrollList lstSavedGames; Window wndMessage; Button btnMenu; Button btnStats; Button btnGems; Button btnInventory; Button btnMap; Label lblGemVal; Label lblSpellCost; ScrollList lstInventory; ScrollList lstGems; DynamicImage fullGui; DynamicImage miniGui; DynamicImage hpBar; DynamicImage mpBar; DynamicImage xpBar; DynamicImage titleBg; DynamicImage darkBg; DynamicImage horBorder; DynamicImage fireIcon; DynamicImage iceIcon; DynamicImage windIcon; DynamicImage hpHoverBar; DynamicImage gcsLogo; DynamicImage dialogBg; DynamicImage characterBg; DynamicImage questsBg; DynamicImage inventoryBg; DynamicImage yellowCursor; DynamicImage greenCursor; DynamicImage redCursor; DynamicImage cursor; DynamicImage plus; DynamicImage darkPlus; Textbox selectedText; Button selectedButton; Font font11; Font font12; Font font14; Font font24; Font fontTT; Font fontCustom11; Font fontCustom12; Font fontCustom14; Font fontCustom24; Font fontCustom30; Font guiFont12; Font guiFont14; Color color1; Color color2; Player player; Enemy cr1; NPC npc; FontMetrics m; Dialog curDialog; Item curItem; Point offset; boolean equipped; int equipNum; Area fullBorder; Area miniBorder; Area miniBtn; Area miniBtn1; Area miniBtn2; Area iBtn; Area eBtn; Area qBtn; Area mainBtn; Area areaCharacter; Area areaInventory; Area areaQuests; Area equipWeapon; Area equipHead; Area equipHands; Area equipBody; Area equipFeet; WrappedString descStrength; WrappedString descDexterity; WrappedString descConstitution; WrappedString descIntelligence; Color redHaze; Color blueHaze; Point playerMapLoc; public LostHavenRPG(final GraphicsDevice device) { this.started = false; try { final GraphicsConfiguration gc = device.getDefaultConfiguration(); (this.frmMain = new Frame(gc)).setUndecorated(true); this.frmMain.setIgnoreRepaint(true); device.setFullScreenWindow(this.frmMain); if (device.isDisplayChangeSupported()) { Utils.chooseBestDisplayMode(device, 800, 600); } this.frmMain.addMouseListener(this); this.frmMain.addKeyListener(this); this.frmMain.createBufferStrategy(2); final BufferStrategy bufferStrategy = this.frmMain.getBufferStrategy(); this.g = bufferStrategy.getDrawGraphics(); this.refreshRate = device.getDisplayMode().getRefreshRate(); Utils.init(gc, RUNNING_FROM_JAR); this.gameState = GameState.Main; this.auxState = AuxState.None; this.done = false; this.showFps = false; this.frameCount = 0; this.lastFrameCount = 0; this.lastFpsUpdate = System.nanoTime(); this.playerLoc = new Point(400, 300); this.selectedText = null; this.selectedButton = null; this.curItem = null; this.redHaze = new Color(255, 0, 0, 100); this.blueHaze = new Color(0, 0, 255, 100); final boolean showCharacter = false; this.showQuests = showCharacter; this.showInventory = showCharacter; this.showCharacter = showCharacter; this.bounds = false; this.passable = false; this.minimizedGui = false; final Toolkit tk = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit(); this.frmMain.setCursor(tk.createCustomCursor(tk.createImage(""), new Point(), null)); this.loadGUI(bufferStrategy); this.loadMap(); this.loadItems(); this.loadCreatures(); this.started = true; while (!this.done) { this.g = bufferStrategy.getDrawGraphics(); this.handleGameEvents(); this.render(this.g); this.detectMouseOver(this.g); if (MouseInfo.getPointerInfo().getLocation() != null) { this.cursor.draw(this.g, MouseInfo.getPointerInfo().getLocation().x - 5, MouseInfo.getPointerInfo().getLocation().y - 2); } this.g.dispose();; ++this.frameCount; if (System.nanoTime() - 1000000000L >= this.lastFpsUpdate) { this.lastFpsUpdate = System.nanoTime(); this.lastFrameCount = this.frameCount; this.frameCount = 0; } } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); return; } finally { device.setFullScreenWindow(null); } device.setFullScreenWindow(null); } private void updateLoadingScreen(final BufferStrategy bufferStrategy) { this.g = bufferStrategy.getDrawGraphics(); this.gcsLogo.draw(this.g, 0, 0); this.g.setColor(; this.g.setFont(this.guiFont12); this.g.drawString("Loading...", 368, 31); this.g.dispose();; } private void loadGUI(final BufferStrategy bufferStrategy) { this.gcsLogo = new DynamicImage("gui/gcslogo.png"); this.guiFont12 = new Font("Garamond", 1, 12); this.m = this.g.getFontMetrics(this.guiFont12); this.updateLoadingScreen(bufferStrategy); this.font11 = new Font("Arial", 0, 11); this.font12 = new Font("Arial", 0, 12); this.font14 = new Font("Arial", 0, 14); this.font24 = new Font("Arial", 0, 24); this.fontTT = new Font("Courier New", 0, 11); this.guiFont14 = new Font("Garamond", 1, 14); try { final Font fontCustom = Utils.loadFont("images/gui/Last_words.ttf"); this.fontCustom11 = fontCustom.deriveFont(0, 11.0f); this.fontCustom12 = fontCustom.deriveFont(0, 12.0f); this.fontCustom14 = fontCustom.deriveFont(0, 14.0f); this.fontCustom24 = fontCustom.deriveFont(0, 24.0f); this.fontCustom30 = fontCustom.deriveFont(0, 30.0f); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } this.yellowCursor = new DynamicImage("gui/cursor.png"); this.greenCursor = new DynamicImage("gui/cursorgreen.png"); this.redCursor = new DynamicImage("gui/cursorred.png"); this.cursor = this.yellowCursor; this.fullGui = new DynamicImage("gui/gui_full.png"); this.miniGui = new DynamicImage("gui/gui_mini.png"); this.hpBar = new DynamicImage("gui/hpbar.png"); this.mpBar = new DynamicImage("gui/mpbar.png"); this.xpBar = new DynamicImage("gui/xpbar2.png"); this.titleBg = new DynamicImage("gui/titlebg_circle.png"); this.darkBg = new DynamicImage("gui/darkerscreenbg.png"); (this.fullBorder = new Area(new Rectangle(0, 478, 291, 121))).add(new Area(new Rectangle(291, 560, 87, 39))); (this.miniBorder = new Area(new Rectangle(0, 553, 291, 46))).add(new Area(new Rectangle(291, 560, 87, 39))); this.fireIcon = new DynamicImage("gui/fire_icon.png"); this.iceIcon = new DynamicImage("gui/ice_icon.png"); this.windIcon = new DynamicImage("gui/wind_icon.png"); this.miniBtn1 = new Area(new Ellipse2D.Double(135.0, 478.0, 10.0, 10.0)); this.miniBtn2 = new Area(new Ellipse2D.Double(135.0, 553.0, 10.0, 10.0)); this.iBtn = new Area(new Ellipse2D.Double(301.0, 581.0, 17.0, 17.0)); this.eBtn = new Area(new Ellipse2D.Double(327.0, 581.0, 17.0, 17.0)); this.qBtn = new Area(new Ellipse2D.Double(353.0, 581.0, 17.0, 17.0)); this.mainBtn = new Area(new Rectangle(293, 563, 81, 15)); this.hpHoverBar = new DynamicImage("gui/hp_igbarsmall.png"); Creature.hpBar = this.hpHoverBar; this.dialogBg = new DynamicImage("gui/dialoguebg.png"); this.characterBg = new DynamicImage("gui/window250x360.png"); this.questsBg = new DynamicImage("gui/window200x250.png"); this.inventoryBg = this.questsBg; = new DynamicImage("gui/greenplus.png"); this.darkPlus = new DynamicImage("gui/darkgreenplus.png"); this.areaCharacter = new Area(new Rectangle(0, 98, 250, 360)); this.areaQuests = new Area(new Rectangle(600, 0, 250, 300)); this.areaInventory = new Area(new Rectangle(600, 270, 250, 300)); this.equipWeapon = new Area(new Rectangle(40, 285, 40, 60)); this.equipHead = new Area(new Rectangle(105, 275, 40, 40)); this.equipHands = new Area(new Rectangle(40, 360, 40, 40)); this.equipBody = new Area(new Rectangle(105, 330, 40, 60)); this.equipFeet = new Area(new Rectangle(105, 404, 40, 40)); this.descStrength = new WrappedString("Strength raises the damage you deal per hit", this.m, 163); this.descDexterity = new WrappedString("Dexterity raises your attack rate", this.m, 163); this.descConstitution = new WrappedString("Constitution raises your hitpoints", this.m, 163); this.descIntelligence = new WrappedString("Intelligence raises your manapoints", this.m, 163); this.wndMain = new Window("main", 0, 0, 800, 600, true); final Button title = new Button("title", 0, 0, 800, 213, Utils.loadImg("gui/title.png")); this.wndMain.add(title); this.wndMain.background = this.titleBg; this.color1 = new Color(80, 80, 80); this.color2 = new Color(20, 20, 20); FontMetrics metrics = this.g.getFontMetrics(this.fontCustom30); this.wndMain.add(new Button("new game", 100, 270, metrics.stringWidth("Enter the world"), metrics.getHeight(), "Enter the world", this.fontCustom30, this.color1, false)); this.wndMain.add(new Button("load game", 140, 320, metrics.stringWidth("Back so soon?"), metrics.getHeight(), "Back so soon?", this.fontCustom30, this.color1, false)); this.wndMain.add(new Button("game info", 180, 370, metrics.stringWidth("How do I get there?"), metrics.getHeight(), "How do I get there?", this.fontCustom30, this.color1, false)); metrics = this.g.getFontMetrics(this.fontCustom24); this.wndMain.add(new Button("credits", 15, 565, metrics.stringWidth("Credits"), metrics.getHeight(), "Credits", this.fontCustom24, this.color1, false)); this.wndMain.add(new Button("quit", 730, 565, metrics.stringWidth("Quit"), metrics.getHeight(), "Quit", this.fontCustom24, this.color1, false)); this.wndCharacter = new Window("character", 0, 158, 250, 299, false); this.wndInventory = new Window("inventory", 600, 270, 199, 249, false); this.wndQuests = new Window("quests", 600, 0, 199, 249, false); this.wndStatDisplay = new Window("stat display", 0, 550, 799, 49, false); this.btnMenu = new Button("main menu", 360, 10, 80, 20, "Main Menu", this.font12); this.btnStats = new Button("stats", 600, 5, 80, 16, "Character", this.font12); this.btnInventory = new Button("inventory", 700, 5, 80, 16, "Inventory", this.font12); this.btnGems = new Button("gems", 600, 29, 80, 16, "Gems", this.font12); this.btnMap = new Button("map", 700, 29, 80, 16, "Map", this.font12); this.lblGemVal = new Label("gemVal", 515, 5, 67, 20, "Gem Value: 0", this.font12, Align.Right); this.lblSpellCost = new Label("spellCost", 515, 24, 67, 20, "Spell Cost: 0", this.font12, Align.Right); this.wndStatDisplay.add(this.btnMenu); this.wndStatDisplay.add(this.btnStats); this.wndStatDisplay.add(this.btnGems); this.wndStatDisplay.add(this.btnInventory); this.wndStatDisplay.add(this.btnMap); this.wndStatDisplay.add(this.lblGemVal); this.wndStatDisplay.add(this.lblSpellCost); (this.wndLoadGame = new Window("load", 0, 0, 800, 600, true)).add(new Label("title", 250, 15, 300, 20, "Load Game", this.font24)); (this.lstSavedGames = new ScrollList("saved games", 300, 200, 200, 200, this.font14, this.frmMain.getBufferStrategy().getDrawGraphics().getFontMetrics(this.font14))).addScrollBar(new ScrollBar("scrollsave", 200, 0, 20, 200, 3, false)); this.wndLoadGame.add(this.lstSavedGames); (this.wndCredits = new Window("main", 0, 0, 800, 600, true)).add(new Label("title", 250, 15, 300, 20, "Credits", this.fontCustom24, new Color(20, 20, 20))); this.wndCredits.background = this.darkBg; this.wndCredits.add(new Label("1", 250, 160, 300, 20, "Dmitry Portnoy", this.guiFont14, new Color(20, 20, 20))); this.wndCredits.add(new Label("2", 250, 180, 300, 20, "Team Leader", this.guiFont12, new Color(20, 20, 20))); this.wndCredits.add(new Label("3", 250, 195, 300, 20, "Programmer", this.guiFont12, new Color(20, 20, 20))); this.wndCredits.add(new Label("4", 250, 235, 300, 20, "Daniel Vu", this.guiFont14, new Color(20, 20, 20))); this.wndCredits.add(new Label("5", 250, 255, 300, 20, "Gui and Item Art", this.guiFont12, new Color(20, 20, 20))); this.wndCredits.add(new Label("6", 250, 295, 300, 20, "David Huang", this.guiFont14, new Color(20, 20, 20))); this.wndCredits.add(new Label("7", 250, 315, 300, 20, "Designer", this.guiFont12, new Color(20, 20, 20))); this.wndCredits.add(new Label("4", 250, 355, 300, 20, "Free Art", this.guiFont14, new Color(20, 20, 20))); this.wndCredits.add(new Label("5", 250, 375, 300, 20, "Tileset - Danc (", this.guiFont12, new Color(20, 20, 20))); this.wndCredits.add(new Label("4", 250, 390, 300, 20, "Creatures - Reiner \"Tiles\" Prokein (", this.guiFont12, new Color(20, 20, 20))); this.wndCredits.add(new Label("8", 250, 430, 300, 20, "Special thanks to", this.guiFont14, new Color(20, 20, 20))); this.wndCredits.add(new Label("9", 250, 450, 300, 20, "The Game Creation Society", this.guiFont12, new Color(20, 20, 20))); (this.wndMessage = new Window("message", 290, 135, 220, 160)).add(new Label("label", 20, 15, 180, 12, "none", this.font12)); this.wndMessage.add(new Button("button", 70, 115, 80, 30, "OK", this.font12)); this.wndDiagnostics = new Window("diagnostics", 0, 0, 400, 140, true); } private void loadMap() { this.imageMap = new HashMap(); this.crMap = new HashMap(); for (int x = 0; x < 16; ++x) { this.imageMap.put(MapImage.nextKey(), new Tile(new MapImage(new DynamicImage("tiles/ground" + (x + 1) + ".png"), MapType.Ground))); } for (int x = 0; x < 12; ++x) { this.imageMap.put(MapImage.nextKey(), new Tile(new MapImage(new DynamicImage("tiles/cliff" + (x + 1) + ".png"), MapType.Ground))); } int last = 15; this.imageMap.get(last + 1).getImg().setDrawOffset(-40, 0); this.imageMap.get(last + 3).getImg().setDrawOffset(-40, 0); this.imageMap.get(last + 5).getImg().setDrawOffset(0, -40); this.imageMap.get(last + 6).getImg().setDrawOffset(0, -40); this.imageMap.get(last + 7).getImg().setDrawOffset(-40, -40); this.imageMap.get(last + 8).getImg().setDrawOffset(0, -40); this.imageMap.get(last + 9).getImg().setDrawOffset(-40, 0); this.imageMap.get(last + 1).getImg().setSortOffset(-18, 0); this.imageMap.get(last + 2).getImg().setSortOffset(62, 0); this.imageMap.get(last + 3).getImg().setSortOffset(-18, 0); this.imageMap.get(last + 4).getImg().setSortOffset(62, 0); this.imageMap.get(last + 5).getImg().setSortOffset(0, 32); this.imageMap.get(last + 6).getImg().setSortOffset(0, 32); this.imageMap.get(last + 7).getImg().setSortOffset(-18, 32); this.imageMap.get(last + 8).getImg().setSortOffset(62, 32); this.imageMap.get(last + 9).getImg().setSortOffset(-18, 75); this.imageMap.get(last + 10).getImg().setSortOffset(62, 75); this.imageMap.get(last + 11).getImg().setSortOffset(0, 75); this.imageMap.get(last + 12).getImg().setSortOffset(0, 75); this.imageMap.get(last + 1).setBound(new Bound(new Rectangle2D.Double(20.0, 0.0, 15.0, 40.0))); this.imageMap.get(last + 2).setBound(new Bound(new Rectangle2D.Double(45.0, 0.0, 21.0, 40.0))); this.imageMap.get(last + 3).setBound(new Bound(new Rectangle2D.Double(20.0, 0.0, 15.0, 40.0))); this.imageMap.get(last + 4).setBound(new Bound(new Rectangle2D.Double(45.0, 0.0, 21.0, 40.0))); this.imageMap.get(last + 5).setBound(new Bound(new Rectangle2D.Double(0.0, 20.0, 40.0, 15.0))); this.imageMap.get(last + 6).setBound(new Bound(new Rectangle2D.Double(0.0, 20.0, 40.0, 15.0))); this.imageMap.get(last + 11).setBound(new Bound(new Rectangle2D.Double(0.0, 45.0, 40.0, 27.0))); this.imageMap.get(last + 12).setBound(new Bound(new Rectangle2D.Double(0.0, 45.0, 40.0, 27.0))); Bound b1 = new Bound(new Ellipse2D.Double(20.0, -48.0, 120.0, 120.0)); b1.intersect(new Bound(new Rectangle2D.Double(20.0, 12.0, 60.0, 60.0))); b1.add(new Bound(new Rectangle2D.Double(20.0, 0.0, 15.0, 12.0))); b1.subtract(new Bound(new Ellipse2D.Double(35.0, -21.0, 66.0, 66.0))); b1.subtract(new Bound(new Rectangle2D.Double(68.0, 35.0, 12.0, 10.0))); final Bound b2 = new Bound(new Ellipse2D.Double(-66.0, -60.0, 132.0, 132.0)); b2.intersect(new Bound(new Rectangle2D.Double(0.0, 6.0, 66.0, 66.0))); b2.add(new Bound(new Rectangle2D.Double(45.0, 0.0, 21.0, 6.0))); b2.subtract(new Bound(new Ellipse2D.Double(-45.0, -45.0, 90.0, 90.0))); final Bound b3 = new Bound(new Ellipse2D.Double(-54.0, 20.0, 120.0, 120.0)); b3.intersect(new Bound(new Rectangle2D.Double(6.0, 20.0, 60.0, 60.0))); b3.add(new Bound(new Rectangle2D.Double(0.0, 20.0, 6.0, 15.0))); b3.subtract(new Bound(new Ellipse2D.Double(-33.0, 35.0, 78.0, 78.0))); b3.subtract(new Bound(new Rectangle2D.Double(39.0, 74.0, 6.0, 6.0))); final Bound b4 = new Bound(new Ellipse2D.Double(20.0, 20.0, 120.0, 120.0)); b4.intersect(new Bound(new Rectangle2D.Double(20.0, 20.0, 60.0, 60.0))); b4.subtract(new Bound(new Ellipse2D.Double(35.0, 35.0, 90.0, 90.0))); this.imageMap.get(last + 7).setBound(b4); this.imageMap.get(last + 8).setBound(b3); this.imageMap.get(last + 9).setBound(b1); this.imageMap.get(last + 10).setBound(b2); this.imageMap.get(last + 7).getImg().setNeedsBase(true); this.imageMap.get(last + 8).getImg().setNeedsBase(true); for (int x2 = 0; x2 < 6; ++x2) { this.imageMap.put(MapImage.nextKey(), new Tile(new MapImage(new DynamicImage("tiles/rock" + (x2 + 1) + ".png"), MapType.Ground))); } last = 33; this.imageMap.put(MapImage.nextKey(), new Tile(new MapImage(new DynamicImage("objects/rock1.png"), MapType.Object))); this.imageMap.put(MapImage.nextKey(), new Tile(new MapImage(new DynamicImage("objects/rock2.png"), MapType.Object))); this.imageMap.put(MapImage.nextKey(), new Tile(new MapImage(new DynamicImage("objects/tree1.png"), MapType.Object))); this.imageMap.put(MapImage.nextKey(), new Tile(new MapImage(new DynamicImage("objects/tree2.png"), MapType.Object))); this.imageMap.get(last + 1).getImg().setDrawOffset(-22, -28); this.imageMap.get(last + 2).getImg().setDrawOffset(-16, -50); this.imageMap.get(last + 3).getImg().setDrawOffset(-36, -100); this.imageMap.get(last + 4).getImg().setDrawOffset(-58, -83); this.imageMap.get(last + 1).setBound(new Bound(new Ellipse2D.Double(-6.0, -6.0, 12.0, 12.0))); this.imageMap.get(last + 2).setBound(new Bound(new Ellipse2D.Double(-6.0, -6.0, 12.0, 12.0))); this.imageMap.get(last + 3).setBound(new Bound(new Ellipse2D.Double(-16.0, -16.0, 32.0, 32.0))); this.imageMap.get(last + 4).setBound(new Bound(new Ellipse2D.Double(-30.0, -30.0, 60.0, 60.0))); for (int x2 = 0; x2 < 19; ++x2) { this.imageMap.put(MapImage.nextKey(), new Tile(new MapImage(new DynamicImage("tiles/pave" + (x2 + 1) + ".png"), MapType.Ground))); } for (int x2 = 0; x2 < 13; ++x2) { this.imageMap.put(MapImage.nextKey(), new Tile(new MapImage(new DynamicImage("tiles/fence" + (x2 + 1) + ".png"), MapType.Structure))); } last = 56; this.imageMap.get(last + 1).getImg().setDrawOffset(-19, -85); this.imageMap.get(last + 2).getImg().setDrawOffset(-20, -85); this.imageMap.get(last + 3).getImg().setDrawOffset(-20, -97); this.imageMap.get(last + 4).getImg().setDrawOffset(-16, -72); this.imageMap.get(last + 5).getImg().setDrawOffset(-20, -81); this.imageMap.get(last + 6).getImg().setDrawOffset(-13, -45); this.imageMap.get(last + 7).getImg().setDrawOffset(-20, -67); this.imageMap.get(last + 8).getImg().setDrawOffset(-13, -51); this.imageMap.get(last + 9).getImg().setDrawOffset(-17, -95); this.imageMap.get(last + 10).getImg().setDrawOffset(-22, -95); this.imageMap.get(last + 11).getImg().setDrawOffset(-19, -86); this.imageMap.get(last + 12).getImg().setDrawOffset(-20, -67); this.imageMap.get(last + 13).getImg().setDrawOffset(-20, -84); b1 = new Bound(new Rectangle2D.Double(-14.0, -40.0, 34.0, 40.0)); b1.add(new Bound(new Rectangle2D.Double(-20.0, -25.0, 6.0, 25.0))); this.imageMap.get(last + 1).setBound(new Bound(new Rectangle2D.Double(-14.0, -25.0, 34.0, 25.0))); this.imageMap.get(last + 2).setBound(new Bound(new Rectangle2D.Double(-20.0, -25.0, 40.0, 25.0))); this.imageMap.get(last + 3).setBound(new Bound(new Rectangle2D.Double(-20.0, -25.0, 40.0, 25.0))); this.imageMap.get(last + 5).setBound(b1); this.imageMap.get(last + 6).setBound(new Bound(new Rectangle2D.Double(-14.0, -40.0, 34.0, 40.0))); this.imageMap.get(last + 7).setBound(new Bound(new Rectangle2D.Double(-20.0, -25.0, 40.0, 25.0))); this.imageMap.get(last + 8).setBound(new Bound(new Rectangle2D.Double(-14.0, -40.0, 34.0, 40.0))); this.imageMap.get(last + 9).setBound(new Bound(new Rectangle2D.Double(-20.0, -25.0, 40.0, 25.0))); this.imageMap.get(last + 10).setBound(new Bound(new Rectangle2D.Double(-20.0, -25.0, 40.0, 25.0))); this.imageMap.get(last + 11).setBound(new Bound(new Rectangle2D.Double(-14.0, -40.0, 34.0, 40.0))); this.imageMap.get(last + 12).setBound(new Bound(new Rectangle2D.Double(-20.0, -25.0, 40.0, 25.0))); } private void loadItems() { LostHavenRPG.itemMap = new HashMap(); final DynamicImage dagger1 = new DynamicImage("items/dagger1.png"); final DynamicImage dagger2 = new DynamicImage("items/dagger2.png"); final DynamicImage sword1 = new DynamicImage("items/sword1.png"); final DynamicImage sword2 = new DynamicImage("items/sword2.png"); final DynamicImage maul1 = new DynamicImage("items/maul1.png"); final DynamicImage maul2 = new DynamicImage("items/maul2.png"); final DynamicImage helm1 = new DynamicImage("items/helm1.png"); final DynamicImage helm2 = new DynamicImage("items/helm2.png"); final DynamicImage armor1 = new DynamicImage("items/armor1.png"); final DynamicImage armor2 = new DynamicImage("items/armor2.png"); final DynamicImage gauntlets1 = new DynamicImage("items/gauntlets1.png"); final DynamicImage gauntlets2 = new DynamicImage("items/gauntlets2.png"); final DynamicImage boots1 = new DynamicImage("items/boots1.png"); final DynamicImage boots2 = new DynamicImage("items/boots2.png"); LostHavenRPG.itemMap.put("Dirk", new Weapon("Dirk", dagger2, 10, 0.9)); LostHavenRPG.itemMap.put("Ripper", new Weapon("Ripper", dagger2, 18, 0.8)); LostHavenRPG.itemMap.put("Assassin's Blade", new Weapon("Assassin's Blade", dagger1, 35, 0.7)); LostHavenRPG.itemMap.get("Assassin's Blade").addEffect(new Effect.MoveSpeed(1.1)); LostHavenRPG.itemMap.put("Wind Rider", new Weapon("Wind Rider", dagger2, 50, 0.5)); LostHavenRPG.itemMap.get("Wind Rider").addEffect(new Effect.MoveSpeed(1.35)); LostHavenRPG.itemMap.put("Blood Seeker", new Weapon("Blood Seeker", dagger1, 70, 0.6)); LostHavenRPG.itemMap.get("Blood Seeker").addEffect(new Effect.MoveSpeed(1.25)); LostHavenRPG.itemMap.get("Blood Seeker").addEffect(new Effect.Hitpoints(60)); LostHavenRPG.itemMap.put("Long Sword", new Weapon("Long Sword", sword1, 14, 1.2)); LostHavenRPG.itemMap.put("War Sword", new Weapon("War Sword", sword1, 30, 1.4)); LostHavenRPG.itemMap.put("Tears of Hamlet", new Weapon("Tears of Hamlet", sword1, 50, 0.9)); LostHavenRPG.itemMap.get("Tears of Hamlet").addEffect(new Effect.Hitpoints(15)); LostHavenRPG.itemMap.put("Blade of Light", new Weapon("Blade of Light", sword2, 70, 0.9)); LostHavenRPG.itemMap.get("Blade of Light").addEffect(new Effect.Hitpoints(25)); LostHavenRPG.itemMap.put("Cursed Knight", new Weapon("Cursed Knight", sword2, 90, 0.8)); LostHavenRPG.itemMap.get("Cursed Knight").addEffect(new Effect.MoveSpeed(1.2)); LostHavenRPG.itemMap.get("Cursed Knight").addEffect(new Effect.Hitpoints(-40)); LostHavenRPG.itemMap.put("Warhammer", new Weapon("Warhammer", maul1, 25, 1.6)); LostHavenRPG.itemMap.put("Destructive Maul", new Weapon("Destructive Maul", maul1, 50, 1.5)); LostHavenRPG.itemMap.put("Warrior's Might", new Weapon("Warrior's Might", maul2, 80, 1.2)); LostHavenRPG.itemMap.get("Warrior's Might").addEffect(new Effect.Hitpoints(30)); LostHavenRPG.itemMap.put("Ogre's Revenge", new Weapon("Ogre's Revenge", maul1, 120, 1.4)); LostHavenRPG.itemMap.put("Storm Breaker", new Weapon("Storm Breaker", maul2, 100, 1.0)); LostHavenRPG.itemMap.get("Storm Breaker").addEffect(new Effect.Hitpoints(80)); LostHavenRPG.itemMap.put("Leather Helmet", new Armor("Leather Helmet", helm1, Armor.ArmorType.Head, 10)); LostHavenRPG.itemMap.get("Leather Helmet").addEffect(new Effect.Hitpoints(10)); LostHavenRPG.itemMap.put("Full Helm", new Armor("Full Helm", helm2, Armor.ArmorType.Head, 25)); LostHavenRPG.itemMap.get("Full Helm").addEffect(new Effect.Hitpoints(20)); LostHavenRPG.itemMap.get("Full Helm").addEffect(new Effect.MoveSpeed(0.9)); LostHavenRPG.itemMap.put("Helmet of Wilhemina", new Armor("Helmet of Wilhemina", helm1, Armor.ArmorType.Head, 30)); LostHavenRPG.itemMap.get("Helmet of Wilhemina").addEffect(new Effect.Hitpoints(30)); LostHavenRPG.itemMap.put("Poseidon", new Armor("Poseidon", helm2, Armor.ArmorType.Head, 35)); LostHavenRPG.itemMap.get("Poseidon").addEffect(new Effect.Hitpoints(30)); LostHavenRPG.itemMap.get("Poseidon").addEffect(new Effect.Damage(10)); LostHavenRPG.itemMap.get("Poseidon").addEffect(new Effect.MoveSpeed(0.95)); LostHavenRPG.itemMap.put("Mask of Cronus", new Armor("Mask of Cronus", helm2, Armor.ArmorType.Head, 40)); LostHavenRPG.itemMap.get("Mask of Cronus").addEffect(new Effect.Hitpoints(70)); LostHavenRPG.itemMap.get("Mask of Cronus").addEffect(new Effect.AttackSpeed(1.2)); LostHavenRPG.itemMap.get("Mask of Cronus").addEffect(new Effect.MoveSpeed(1.05)); LostHavenRPG.itemMap.put("Chainmail", new Armor("Chainmail", armor1, Armor.ArmorType.Body, 30)); LostHavenRPG.itemMap.get("Chainmail").addEffect(new Effect.Hitpoints(50)); LostHavenRPG.itemMap.put("Full Plate", new Armor("Full Plate", armor2, Armor.ArmorType.Body, 60)); LostHavenRPG.itemMap.get("Full Plate").addEffect(new Effect.Hitpoints(60)); LostHavenRPG.itemMap.get("Full Plate").addEffect(new Effect.MoveSpeed(0.9)); LostHavenRPG.itemMap.put("Menoetius", new Armor("Menoetius", armor1, Armor.ArmorType.Body, 60)); LostHavenRPG.itemMap.get("Menoetius").addEffect(new Effect.Hitpoints(120)); LostHavenRPG.itemMap.get("Menoetius").addEffect(new Effect.AttackSpeed(1.1)); LostHavenRPG.itemMap.put("Coat of Themis", new Armor("Coat of Themis", armor1, Armor.ArmorType.Body, 100)); LostHavenRPG.itemMap.get("Coat of Themis").addEffect(new Effect.Hitpoints(80)); LostHavenRPG.itemMap.get("Coat of Themis").addEffect(new Effect.MoveSpeed(1.1)); LostHavenRPG.itemMap.get("Coat of Themis").addEffect(new Effect.Damage(20)); LostHavenRPG.itemMap.put("Kingship", new Armor("Kingship", armor2, Armor.ArmorType.Body, 120)); LostHavenRPG.itemMap.get("Kingship").addEffect(new Effect.Hitpoints(200)); LostHavenRPG.itemMap.get("Kingship").addEffect(new Effect.MoveSpeed(1.2)); LostHavenRPG.itemMap.get("Kingship").addEffect(new Effect.Damage(40)); LostHavenRPG.itemMap.put("Cloth Gloves", new Armor("Cloth Gloves", gauntlets1, Armor.ArmorType.Hands, 5)); LostHavenRPG.itemMap.get("Cloth Gloves").addEffect(new Effect.Hitpoints(6)); LostHavenRPG.itemMap.put("Golden Fist", new Armor("Golden Fist", gauntlets1, Armor.ArmorType.Hands, 10)); LostHavenRPG.itemMap.get("Golden Fist").addEffect(new Effect.Hitpoints(6)); LostHavenRPG.itemMap.get("Golden Fist").addEffect(new Effect.AttackSpeed(1.1)); LostHavenRPG.itemMap.put("Gloves of Selene", new Armor("Gloves of Selene", gauntlets1, Armor.ArmorType.Hands, 15)); LostHavenRPG.itemMap.get("Gloves of Selene").addEffect(new Effect.Hitpoints(30)); LostHavenRPG.itemMap.put("Delta Force", new Armor("Delta Force", gauntlets2, Armor.ArmorType.Hands, 20)); LostHavenRPG.itemMap.get("Delta Force").addEffect(new Effect.Hitpoints(20)); LostHavenRPG.itemMap.get("Delta Force").addEffect(new Effect.MoveSpeed(1.05)); LostHavenRPG.itemMap.get("Delta Force").addEffect(new Effect.AttackSpeed(1.05)); LostHavenRPG.itemMap.put("Zeus", new Armor("Zeus", gauntlets2, Armor.ArmorType.Hands, 20)); LostHavenRPG.itemMap.get("Zeus").addEffect(new Effect.Hitpoints(50)); LostHavenRPG.itemMap.get("Zeus").addEffect(new Effect.MoveSpeed(1.1)); LostHavenRPG.itemMap.get("Zeus").addEffect(new Effect.AttackSpeed(1.3)); LostHavenRPG.itemMap.put("Cloth Boots", new Armor("Cloth Boots", boots1, Armor.ArmorType.Feet, 5)); LostHavenRPG.itemMap.get("Cloth Boots").addEffect(new Effect.Hitpoints(8)); LostHavenRPG.itemMap.put("Greaves", new Armor("Greaves", boots2, Armor.ArmorType.Feet, 20)); LostHavenRPG.itemMap.get("Greaves").addEffect(new Effect.Hitpoints(20)); LostHavenRPG.itemMap.get("Greaves").addEffect(new Effect.MoveSpeed(0.92)); LostHavenRPG.itemMap.put("Leather Boots", new Armor("Leather Boots", boots1, Armor.ArmorType.Feet, 15)); LostHavenRPG.itemMap.get("Leather Boots").addEffect(new Effect.Hitpoints(10)); LostHavenRPG.itemMap.get("Leather Boots").addEffect(new Effect.MoveSpeed(1.2)); LostHavenRPG.itemMap.put("Dragon's Scale", new Armor("Dragon's Scale", boots2, Armor.ArmorType.Feet, 30)); LostHavenRPG.itemMap.get("Dragon's Scale").addEffect(new Effect.Hitpoints(10)); LostHavenRPG.itemMap.get("Dragon's Scale").addEffect(new Effect.MoveSpeed(1.25)); LostHavenRPG.itemMap.get("Dragon's Scale").addEffect(new Effect.AttackSpeed(1.1)); LostHavenRPG.itemMap.put("Assassin's Step", new Armor("Assassin's Step", boots1, Armor.ArmorType.Feet, 20)); LostHavenRPG.itemMap.get("Assassin's Step").addEffect(new Effect.Hitpoints(30)); LostHavenRPG.itemMap.get("Assassin's Step").addEffect(new Effect.MoveSpeed(1.4)); LostHavenRPG.itemMap.get("Assassin's Step").addEffect(new Effect.AttackSpeed(1.3)); } private void loadCreatures() { Utils.loadCreatures(this.crMap, null); ((Enemy)this.crMap.get(1)).addItemDrop(LostHavenRPG.itemMap.get("Cloth Boots"), 0.3); ((Enemy)this.crMap.get(1)).addItemDrop(LostHavenRPG.itemMap.get("Leather Helmet"), 0.3); ((Enemy)this.crMap.get(1)).addItemDrop(LostHavenRPG.itemMap.get("Chainmail"), 0.3); ((Enemy)this.crMap.get(1)).addItemDrop(LostHavenRPG.itemMap.get("Cloth Gloves"), 0.3); ((Enemy)this.crMap.get(1)).addItemDrop(LostHavenRPG.itemMap.get("Dirk"), 0.3); ((Enemy)this.crMap.get(1)).addItemDrop(LostHavenRPG.itemMap.get("Long Sword"), 0.3); ((Enemy)this.crMap.get(1)).addItemDrop(LostHavenRPG.itemMap.get("Warhammer"), 0.3); ((Enemy)this.crMap.get(1)).addItemDrop(LostHavenRPG.itemMap.get("Greaves"), 0.15); ((Enemy)this.crMap.get(1)).addItemDrop(LostHavenRPG.itemMap.get("Full Helm"), 0.15); ((Enemy)this.crMap.get(1)).addItemDrop(LostHavenRPG.itemMap.get("Full Plate"), 0.15); ((Enemy)this.crMap.get(1)).addItemDrop(LostHavenRPG.itemMap.get("Golden Fist"), 0.15); ((Enemy)this.crMap.get(1)).addItemDrop(LostHavenRPG.itemMap.get("Ripper"), 0.15); ((Enemy)this.crMap.get(1)).addItemDrop(LostHavenRPG.itemMap.get("War Sword"), 0.15); ((Enemy)this.crMap.get(1)).addItemDrop(LostHavenRPG.itemMap.get("Destructive Maul"), 0.15); ((Enemy)this.crMap.get(2)).addItemDrop(LostHavenRPG.itemMap.get("Greaves"), 0.3); ((Enemy)this.crMap.get(2)).addItemDrop(LostHavenRPG.itemMap.get("Full Helm"), 0.3); ((Enemy)this.crMap.get(2)).addItemDrop(LostHavenRPG.itemMap.get("Full Plate"), 0.3); ((Enemy)this.crMap.get(2)).addItemDrop(LostHavenRPG.itemMap.get("Golden Fist"), 0.3); ((Enemy)this.crMap.get(2)).addItemDrop(LostHavenRPG.itemMap.get("Ripper"), 0.3); ((Enemy)this.crMap.get(2)).addItemDrop(LostHavenRPG.itemMap.get("War Sword"), 0.3); ((Enemy)this.crMap.get(2)).addItemDrop(LostHavenRPG.itemMap.get("Destructive Maul"), 0.3); ((Enemy)this.crMap.get(2)).addItemDrop(LostHavenRPG.itemMap.get("Leather Boots"), 0.15); ((Enemy)this.crMap.get(2)).addItemDrop(LostHavenRPG.itemMap.get("Helmet of Wilhemina"), 0.15); ((Enemy)this.crMap.get(2)).addItemDrop(LostHavenRPG.itemMap.get("Menoetius"), 0.15); ((Enemy)this.crMap.get(2)).addItemDrop(LostHavenRPG.itemMap.get("Gloves of Selene"), 0.15); ((Enemy)this.crMap.get(2)).addItemDrop(LostHavenRPG.itemMap.get("Assassin's Blade"), 0.15); ((Enemy)this.crMap.get(2)).addItemDrop(LostHavenRPG.itemMap.get("Tears of Hamlet"), 0.15); ((Enemy)this.crMap.get(2)).addItemDrop(LostHavenRPG.itemMap.get("Warrior's Might"), 0.15); ((Enemy)this.crMap.get(4)).addItemDrop(LostHavenRPG.itemMap.get("Dragon's Scale"), 0.5); ((Enemy)this.crMap.get(4)).addItemDrop(LostHavenRPG.itemMap.get("Poseidon"), 0.5); ((Enemy)this.crMap.get(4)).addItemDrop(LostHavenRPG.itemMap.get("Coat of Themis"), 0.5); ((Enemy)this.crMap.get(4)).addItemDrop(LostHavenRPG.itemMap.get("Delta Force"), 0.5); ((Enemy)this.crMap.get(4)).addItemDrop(LostHavenRPG.itemMap.get("Wind Rider"), 0.5); ((Enemy)this.crMap.get(4)).addItemDrop(LostHavenRPG.itemMap.get("Blade of Light"), 0.5); ((Enemy)this.crMap.get(4)).addItemDrop(LostHavenRPG.itemMap.get("Ogre's Revenge"), 0.5); ((Enemy)this.crMap.get(4)).addItemDrop(LostHavenRPG.itemMap.get("Assassin's Step"), 0.3); ((Enemy)this.crMap.get(4)).addItemDrop(LostHavenRPG.itemMap.get("Mask of Cronus"), 0.3); ((Enemy)this.crMap.get(4)).addItemDrop(LostHavenRPG.itemMap.get("Kingship"), 0.3); ((Enemy)this.crMap.get(4)).addItemDrop(LostHavenRPG.itemMap.get("Zeus"), 0.3); ((Enemy)this.crMap.get(4)).addItemDrop(LostHavenRPG.itemMap.get("Blood Seeker"), 0.3); ((Enemy)this.crMap.get(4)).addItemDrop(LostHavenRPG.itemMap.get("Cursed Knight"), 0.3); ((Enemy)this.crMap.get(4)).addItemDrop(LostHavenRPG.itemMap.get("Storm Breaker"), 0.3); ((Enemy)this.crMap.get(6)).addItemDrop(LostHavenRPG.itemMap.get("Leather Boots"), 0.3); ((Enemy)this.crMap.get(6)).addItemDrop(LostHavenRPG.itemMap.get("Helmet of Wilhemina"), 0.3); ((Enemy)this.crMap.get(6)).addItemDrop(LostHavenRPG.itemMap.get("Menoetius"), 0.3); ((Enemy)this.crMap.get(6)).addItemDrop(LostHavenRPG.itemMap.get("Gloves of Selene"), 0.3); ((Enemy)this.crMap.get(6)).addItemDrop(LostHavenRPG.itemMap.get("Assassin's Blade"), 0.3); ((Enemy)this.crMap.get(6)).addItemDrop(LostHavenRPG.itemMap.get("Tears of Hamlet"), 0.3); ((Enemy)this.crMap.get(6)).addItemDrop(LostHavenRPG.itemMap.get("Warrior's Might"), 0.3); ((Enemy)this.crMap.get(6)).addItemDrop(LostHavenRPG.itemMap.get("Dragon's Scale"), 0.15); ((Enemy)this.crMap.get(6)).addItemDrop(LostHavenRPG.itemMap.get("Poseidon"), 0.15); ((Enemy)this.crMap.get(6)).addItemDrop(LostHavenRPG.itemMap.get("Coat of Themis"), 0.15); ((Enemy)this.crMap.get(6)).addItemDrop(LostHavenRPG.itemMap.get("Delta Force"), 0.15); ((Enemy)this.crMap.get(6)).addItemDrop(LostHavenRPG.itemMap.get("Wind Rider"), 0.15); ((Enemy)this.crMap.get(6)).addItemDrop(LostHavenRPG.itemMap.get("Blade of Light"), 0.15); ((Enemy)this.crMap.get(6)).addItemDrop(LostHavenRPG.itemMap.get("Ogre's Revenge"), 0.15); = Map.load("finalMap.txt", null, this.imageMap, this.crMap); (this.player = new Player("Japheth", this.crMap.get(3).xOffset, this.crMap.get(3).yOffset, 1, 0)).setModel(new Model(this.crMap.get(3).getModel())); this.player.setLoc(new Point(2800, 2880)); this.player.setBound(this.crMap.get(3).getBound()); this.player.setSelectionBound(this.crMap.get(3).getSelectionBound()); this.player.strikeFrame = this.crMap.get(3).strikeFrame; this.player.setAttack(8, 0, 40, 60); this.player.setStats(8, 8, 8, 8);, 72, this.player); this.playerMapLoc = new Point(70, 72); (this.npc = new NPC("Seer", this.crMap.get(5).xOffset, this.crMap.get(5).yOffset)).setModel(new Model(this.crMap.get(5).getModel())); this.npc.setLoc(new Point(2800, 1600)); this.npc.setBound(this.crMap.get(5).getBound()); this.npc.setSelectionBound(this.crMap.get(5).getSelectionBound()); this.npc.getModel().direction = Direction.South; this.npc.loadDialog("seerDialog.txt", this.m, 756);, 40, this.npc); (this.npc = new NPC("Wounded Resistance Fighter", this.crMap.get(0).xOffset, this.crMap.get(0).yOffset)).setModel(new Model(this.crMap.get(0).getModel())); this.npc.setLoc(new Point(1152, 1403)); this.npc.setBound(this.crMap.get(0).getBound()); this.npc.setSelectionBound(this.crMap.get(0).getSelectionBound()); this.npc.getModel().direction = Direction.NorthEast; this.npc.loadDialog("nullDialog.txt", this.m, 756);, 35, this.npc); (this.npc = new NPC("Captured Resistance Fighter", this.crMap.get(0).xOffset, this.crMap.get(0).yOffset)).setModel(new Model(this.crMap.get(0).getModel())); this.npc.setLoc(new Point(2058, 1638)); this.npc.setBound(this.crMap.get(0).getBound()); this.npc.setSelectionBound(this.crMap.get(0).getSelectionBound()); this.npc.getModel().direction = Direction.North; this.npc.loadDialog("nullDialog.txt", this.m, 756);, 40, this.npc); (this.npc = new NPC("Resistance Fighter", this.crMap.get(0).xOffset, this.crMap.get(0).yOffset)).setModel(new Model(this.crMap.get(0).getModel())); this.npc.setLoc(new Point(3204, 1345)); this.npc.setBound(this.crMap.get(0).getBound()); this.npc.setSelectionBound(this.crMap.get(0).getSelectionBound()); this.npc.getModel().direction = Direction.South; this.npc.loadDialog("nullDialog.txt", this.m, 756);, 33, this.npc); (this.npc = new NPC("Resistance Fighter", this.crMap.get(0).xOffset, this.crMap.get(0).yOffset)).setModel(new Model(this.crMap.get(0).getModel())); this.npc.setLoc(new Point(2879, 1270)); this.npc.setBound(this.crMap.get(0).getBound()); this.npc.setSelectionBound(this.crMap.get(0).getSelectionBound()); this.npc.getModel().direction = Direction.South; this.npc.loadDialog("nullDialog.txt", this.m, 756);, 31, this.npc); (this.npc = new NPC("Wayfarer", this.crMap.get(5).xOffset, this.crMap.get(5).yOffset)).setModel(new Model(this.crMap.get(5).getModel())); this.npc.setLoc(new Point(2880, 2718)); this.npc.setBound(this.crMap.get(5).getBound()); this.npc.setSelectionBound(this.crMap.get(5).getSelectionBound()); this.npc.getModel().direction = Direction.South; this.npc.loadDialog("wayfarerDialog.txt", this.m, 756);, 67, this.npc); } private synchronized void handleGameEvents() { switch (this.gameState) { case Game: { if (this.player.isTalking() && this.curDialog == null) { this.curDialog = this.player.getNPCTarget().dialog; this.gameState = GameState.GameDialog; final boolean showCharacter = false; this.showInventory = showCharacter; this.showQuests = showCharacter; this.showCharacter = showCharacter; } this.executeAI(); this.moveCreatures(); break; } } } private synchronized void render(final Graphics g) { g.setColor(; g.fillRect(0, 0, 800, 600); switch (this.gameState) { case Main: { this.wndMain.draw(g); break; } case LoadGame: { this.drawLoadGame(g); break; } case Credits: { this.drawCredits(g); break; } case Game: { this.playerLoc = this.player.loc;, this.playerLoc, this.bounds, this.passable); this.drawStatDisplay(g); break; } case GameDialog: { this.playerLoc = this.player.loc;, this.playerLoc, this.bounds, this.passable); this.drawStatDisplay(g); this.drawDialog(g); break; } } switch (this.auxState) { case MsgBox: { this.wndMessage.draw(g); break; } } if (this.showFps) { this.drawDiagnostics(g); } } public void showMessage(final String text) { this.auxState = AuxState.MsgBox; ((Label)this.wndMessage.getMember("label")).setText(text); } private void drawLoadGame(final Graphics g) { final Font tempFont = new Font("Arial", 0, 12); final FontMetrics metrics = g.getFontMetrics(tempFont); g.setFont(tempFont); g.setColor(; g.drawString("There is not a whole lot here right now. You can click anywhere on the screen to get back to the main menu.", 0, metrics.getHeight()); } private void drawStatDisplay(final Graphics g) { g.setFont(this.guiFont12); g.setColor(new Color(60, 60, 60)); final String hpString = "HP " + this.player.hitpoints + "/" + this.player.maxHitpoints; final String mpString = "MP " + this.player.manapoints + "/" + this.player.maxManapoints; final String xpString = "XP " + this.player.experience + "/" + this.player.getMaxExperience(); if (this.minimizedGui) { this.miniGui.draw(g, 0, 600 - this.miniGui.getHeight()); g.drawString(, 24, 578); g.drawString(hpString, 110, 578); g.drawString(xpString, 190, 578); g.drawString("Level " + this.player.level, 24, 595); g.drawString(mpString, 110, 595); g.drawString("347", 227, 595); } else { this.fullGui.draw(g, 0, 600 - this.fullGui.getHeight()); this.hpBar.draw(g, 147, 503, 147 + this.hpBar.getWidth() * this.player.hitpoints / this.player.maxHitpoints, 503 + this.hpBar.getHeight(), 0, 0, this.hpBar.getWidth() * this.player.hitpoints / this.player.maxHitpoints, this.hpBar.getHeight()); this.mpBar.draw(g, 147, 537, 147 + this.mpBar.getWidth() * this.player.manapoints / this.player.maxManapoints, 537 + this.mpBar.getHeight(), 0, 0, this.mpBar.getWidth() * this.player.manapoints / this.player.maxManapoints, this.mpBar.getHeight()); this.xpBar.draw(g, 12, 572, 12 + this.xpBar.getWidth() * this.player.experience / this.player.getMaxExperience(), 572 + this.xpBar.getHeight(), 0, 0, this.xpBar.getWidth() * this.player.experience / this.player.getMaxExperience(), this.xpBar.getHeight()); g.drawString(, 24, 515); g.drawString("Level " + this.player.level, 24, 533); g.drawString("Currency:", 24, 551); g.drawString("347", 97, 551); g.drawString(hpString, 147 + (this.hpBar.getWidth() - this.m.stringWidth(hpString)) / 2, 514); g.drawString(mpString, 147 + (this.mpBar.getWidth() - this.m.stringWidth(mpString)) / 2, 548); g.drawString(xpString, 12 + (this.xpBar.getWidth() - this.m.stringWidth(xpString)) / 2, 585); } this.fireIcon.draw(g, 580, 540); this.iceIcon.draw(g, 650, 540); this.windIcon.draw(g, 720, 540); if (this.showCharacter) { this.characterBg.draw(g, 0, 98); g.setColor(new Color(120, 240, 120)); final DecimalFormat format = new DecimalFormat("0.00"); g.drawString("Strength: " + this.player.stats[StatType.Strength.ordinal()], 22, 128); g.drawString("Dexterity: " + this.player.stats[StatType.Dexterity.ordinal()], 22, 143); g.drawString("Constitution: " + this.player.stats[StatType.Constitution.ordinal()], 22, 158); g.drawString("Intelligence: " + this.player.stats[StatType.Intelligence.ordinal()], 22, 173); g.drawString("Remaining Stat Points: " + this.player.statPoints, 22, 188); g.drawString("Damage: " + this.player.getDamage(), 22, 218); g.drawString("Attack Speed: " + format.format(this.player.getAttackSpeed()), 22, 233); g.drawString("Move Speed: " + format.format(this.player.moveSpeedMod), 22, 248); g.drawString("Armor Rating: " + this.player.stats[StatType.Armor.ordinal()], 22, 263); DynamicImage img; if (this.player.statPoints == 0) { img = this.darkPlus; } else { img =; } img.draw(g, 178, 118); img.draw(g, 178, 133); img.draw(g, 178, 148); img.draw(g, 178, 163); g.setColor(new Color(120, 120, 240)); g.drawRect(105, 275, 40, 40); g.drawRect(105, 330, 40, 60); g.drawRect(105, 404, 40, 40); g.drawRect(40, 285, 40, 60); g.drawRect(40, 360, 40, 40); if (this.player.weapon != null) { this.player.weapon.getImg().draw(g, 40, 285); } if (this.player.armor[0] != null) { this.player.armor[0].getImg().draw(g, 105, 275); } if (this.player.armor[1] != null) { this.player.armor[1].getImg().draw(g, 40, 360); } if (this.player.armor[2] != null) { this.player.armor[2].getImg().draw(g, 105, 330); } if (this.player.armor[3] != null) { this.player.armor[3].getImg().draw(g, 105, 404); } } if (this.showQuests) { this.questsBg.draw(g, 600, 0); } if (this.showInventory) { this.inventoryBg.draw(g, 600, 270); g.setColor(new Color(30, 30, 60)); for (int i = 0; i < this.player.invSpace.length + 1; ++i) { g.drawLine(620, 295 + 20 * i, 780, 295 + 20 * i); } for (int i = 0; i < this.player.invSpace[0].length + 1; ++i) { g.drawLine(620 + 20 * i, 295, 620 + 20 * i, 495); } for (final Item cur : this.player.inventory) { cur.getImg().draw(g, 620 + 20 * cur.invX, 295 + 20 * cur.invY); } } } private void drawDialog(final Graphics g) { this.dialogBg.draw(g, 0, 450); g.setFont(this.guiFont12); g.setColor(new Color(0, 0, 0)); this.curDialog.text.draw(g, 22, 480); int pos = 0; if (this.curDialog.text.getLineCount() > 3) { pos = 480 + this.m.getHeight() * (this.curDialog.text.getLineCount() + 1); } else { pos = 480 + this.m.getHeight() * 4; } for (int i = 0; i < this.curDialog.getNumOptions(); ++i) { this.curDialog.getOption(i).draw(g, 22, pos); pos += this.m.getHeight() * this.curDialog.getOption(i).getLineCount(); } } private void drawCredits(final Graphics g) { this.wndCredits.draw(g); } private void drawDiagnostics(final Graphics g) { this.wndDiagnostics.draw(g); g.setColor(; g.setFont(this.fontTT); g.drawString("Unthrottled FPS: " + this.lastFrameCount, 0, 15); g.drawString("Monitor Refresh Rate: " + this.refreshRate, 0, 30); g.drawString("Player Info", 0, 60); g.drawString("Location " + this.player.loc.x + "," + this.player.loc.y + " (" + this.player.getSortZ() + " sort offset)", 0, 75); g.drawString("Map Location: " + this.playerMapLoc.x + "," + this.playerMapLoc.y, 0, 90); g.drawString("Equals itself: " + this.player.compareTo((MapObject)this.player), 0, 105); g.drawString("Should be drawn: " +, 0, 120); g.drawString("Dead: " + this.player.dead, 0, 135); final Iterator iter =; int lineCount = 1; while (iter.hasNext()) { final Creature cur =; g.drawString(String.valueOf( + " " + cur.loc.x / 40 + "," + cur.loc.y / 40, 280, lineCount * 15); ++lineCount; } } private int getDialogSelection(final MouseEvent e) { final int x = e.getX(); final int y = e.getY(); if (x < 22 || 778 < x) { return -1; } int curY; if (this.curDialog.text.getLineCount() > 3) { curY = 480 + this.m.getHeight() * this.curDialog.text.getLineCount(); } else { curY = 480 + this.m.getHeight() * 3 + 3; } for (int i = 0; i < this.curDialog.getNumOptions(); ++i) { if (curY < y && y <= curY + this.m.getHeight() * this.curDialog.getOption(i).getLineCount()) { return i; } curY += this.m.getHeight() * this.curDialog.getOption(i).getLineCount(); } return -1; } private synchronized void detectMouseOver(final Graphics g) { final Point e = MouseInfo.getPointerInfo().getLocation(); if (e == null) { return; } g.setFont(this.guiFont12); switch (this.gameState) { case Main: { if (this.selectedButton != null) { this.selectedButton.color = this.color1; } if (this.wndMain.getMember("new game").isClicked(e.x, e.y)) { this.selectedButton = (Button)this.wndMain.getMember("new game"); } else if (this.wndMain.getMember("load game").isClicked(e.x, e.y)) { this.selectedButton = (Button)this.wndMain.getMember("load game"); } else if (this.wndMain.getMember("game info").isClicked(e.x, e.y)) { this.selectedButton = (Button)this.wndMain.getMember("game info"); } else if (this.wndMain.getMember("credits").isClicked(e.x, e.y)) { this.selectedButton = (Button)this.wndMain.getMember("credits"); } else if (this.wndMain.getMember("quit").isClicked(e.x, e.y)) { this.selectedButton = (Button)this.wndMain.getMember("quit"); } else { this.selectedButton = null; } if (this.selectedButton != null) { this.selectedButton.color = this.color2; break; } break; } case Game: { if (this.showCharacter) { if (20 <= e.x && e.x <= 105) { if (117 <= e.y && e.y <= 131) { this.drawDesc(g, this.descStrength, e.x, e.y, 169); } else if (132 <= e.y && e.y <= 146) { this.drawDesc(g, this.descDexterity, e.x, e.y, 169); } else if (147 <= e.y && e.y <= 161) { this.drawDesc(g, this.descConstitution, e.x, e.y, 169); } else if (162 <= e.y && e.y <= 176) { this.drawDesc(g, this.descIntelligence, e.x, e.y, 169); } } if (this.equipWeapon.contains(e) && this.player.weapon != null) { this.player.weapon.drawDesc(g, e.x, e.y, this.guiFont12, this.m); } else if (this.equipHead.contains(e) && this.player.armor[0] != null) { this.player.armor[0].drawDesc(g, e.x, e.y, this.guiFont12, this.m); } else if (this.equipHands.contains(e) && this.player.armor[1] != null) { this.player.armor[1].drawDesc(g, e.x, e.y, this.guiFont12, this.m); } else if (this.equipBody.contains(e) && this.player.armor[2] != null) { this.player.armor[2].drawDesc(g, e.x, e.y, this.guiFont12, this.m); } else if (this.equipFeet.contains(e) && this.player.armor[3] != null) { this.player.armor[3].drawDesc(g, e.x, e.y, this.guiFont12, this.m); } } if (this.showInventory) { if (this.curItem == null) { final int x = (e.x - 620) / 20; final int y = (e.y - 295) / 20; if (x >= 0 && x < this.player.invSpace[0].length && y >= 0 && y < this.player.invSpace.length && this.player.invSpace[y][x] != null) { this.player.invSpace[y][x].drawDesc(g, e.x, e.y, this.guiFont12, this.m); } } else { final int x = e.x + this.offset.x; final int y = e.y + this.offset.y; if (610 <= x && x + 20 * this.curItem.imgWidth < 630 + 20 * this.player.invSpace[0].length && 285 <= y && y + 20 * this.curItem.imgHeight < 305 + 20 * this.player.invSpace.length) { if (this.player.itemFits(this.curItem, Math.round((x - 620) / 20.0f), Math.round((y - 295) / 20.0f))) { g.setColor(this.blueHaze); } else { g.setColor(this.redHaze); } g.fillRect(620 + Math.round((x - 620) / 20.0f) * 20, 295 + Math.round((y - 295) / 20.0f) * 20, 20 * this.curItem.imgWidth, 20 * this.curItem.imgHeight); } } } final Point mapPoint = new Point(this.playerLoc.x + e.x - 400, this.playerLoc.y + e.y - 300); final Iterator iter =, 2, 2).iterator(); Creature bestTarget = null; while (iter.hasNext()) { final Creature cur =; if (cur == this.player) { continue; } if (!cur.getSelectionBound().contains(mapPoint, cur) || (bestTarget != null && cur.loc.y <= bestTarget.loc.y)) { continue; } bestTarget = cur; } if (bestTarget == null || bestTarget == this.player) { this.cursor = this.yellowCursor; break; } if (bestTarget.getClass() == Enemy.class) { this.cursor = this.redCursor; break; } if (bestTarget.getClass() == NPC.class) { this.cursor = this.greenCursor; break; } break; } } if (this.curItem != null) { this.curItem.getImg().draw(g, MouseInfo.getPointerInfo().getLocation().x + this.offset.x, MouseInfo.getPointerInfo().getLocation().y + this.offset.y); } } private void drawDesc(final Graphics g, final WrappedString desc, final int x, int y, final int width) { y -= 3 + desc.getLineCount() * desc.getMetrics().getHeight(); g.setColor(; g.fillRect(x, y, width, 3 + desc.getLineCount() * desc.getMetrics().getHeight()); g.setColor(new Color(120, 240, 120)); g.drawRect(x, y, width, 3 + desc.getLineCount() * desc.getMetrics().getHeight()); for (int i = 0; i < desc.getLineCount(); ++i) { g.drawString(desc.getLine(i), x + 3, y - 3 + (i + 1) * desc.getMetrics().getHeight()); } } private void executeAI() { for (final Creature cr : { cr.AI_move(this.player,; } } private void moveCreatures() { for (final Creature cr : { final int xOld = cr.loc.x / 40; final int yOld = cr.loc.y / 40;, yOld).getCreatures().remove(cr);; cr.move(, 2, 3),; final int xNew = cr.loc.x / 40; final int yNew = cr.loc.y / 40;, yNew).getCreatures().add(cr); if ( <= xNew && xNew <= && <= yNew && yNew <= {; } } } private synchronized void handleMouseInput(final MouseEvent e) { if (!this.started) { return; } this.selectText(null); switch (this.auxState) { case None: { switch (this.gameState) { case Main: { if (this.wndMain.getMember("new game").isClicked(e.getX(), e.getY())) { this.gameState = GameState.Game; break; } if (this.wndMain.getMember("load game").isClicked(e.getX(), e.getY()) || this.wndMain.getMember("game info").isClicked(e.getX(), e.getY())) { break; } if (this.wndMain.getMember("credits").isClicked(e.getX(), e.getY())) { this.gameState = GameState.Credits; break; } if (this.wndMain.getMember("quit").isClicked(e.getX(), e.getY())) { this.done = true; break; } break; } case Credits: { this.gameState = GameState.Main; break; } case Game: { Area curGui; if (this.minimizedGui) { curGui = this.miniBorder; this.miniBtn = this.miniBtn2; } else { curGui = this.fullBorder; this.miniBtn = this.miniBtn1; } if (e.getButton() == 1) { if (this.showCharacter) { if (this.player.statPoints > 0 && 178 <= e.getX() && e.getX() <= 188) { if (118 <= e.getY() && e.getY() <= 128) { final int[] stats = this.player.stats; final int ordinal = StatType.Strength.ordinal(); ++stats[ordinal]; final Player player = this.player; --player.statPoints; } else if (133 <= e.getY() && e.getY() <= 143) { final int[] stats2 = this.player.stats; final int ordinal2 = StatType.Dexterity.ordinal(); ++stats2[ordinal2]; final Player player2 = this.player; --player2.statPoints; } else if (148 <= e.getY() && e.getY() <= 158) { final int[] stats3 = this.player.stats; final int ordinal3 = StatType.Constitution.ordinal(); ++stats3[ordinal3]; final Player player3 = this.player; --player3.statPoints; } else if (163 <= e.getY() && e.getY() <= 173) { final int[] stats4 = this.player.stats; final int ordinal4 = StatType.Intelligence.ordinal(); ++stats4[ordinal4]; final Player player4 = this.player; --player4.statPoints; } this.player.propagateStatChanges(); } if (this.equipWeapon.contains(e.getPoint())) { this.curItem = this.player.weapon; this.offset = new Point(40 - e.getX(), 285 - e.getY()); this.equipNum = 4; } else if (this.equipHead.contains(e.getPoint())) { this.curItem = this.player.armor[0]; this.offset = new Point(105 - e.getX(), 275 - e.getY()); this.equipNum = 0; } else if (this.equipHands.contains(e.getPoint())) { this.curItem = this.player.armor[1]; this.offset = new Point(40 - e.getX(), 360 - e.getY()); this.equipNum = 1; } else if (this.equipBody.contains(e.getPoint())) { this.curItem = this.player.armor[2]; this.offset = new Point(105 - e.getX(), 330 - e.getY()); this.equipNum = 2; } else if (this.equipFeet.contains(e.getPoint())) { this.curItem = this.player.armor[3]; this.offset = new Point(105 - e.getX(), 404 - e.getY()); this.equipNum = 3; } this.equipped = true; } if (this.showInventory) { final int x = (e.getX() - 620) / 20; final int y = (e.getY() - 295) / 20; if (x >= 0 && x < this.player.invSpace[0].length && y >= 0 && y < this.player.invSpace.length && this.player.invSpace[y][x] != null) { this.curItem = this.player.invSpace[y][x]; this.offset = new Point(620 + 20 * this.curItem.invX - e.getX(), 295 + 20 * this.curItem.invY - e.getY()); this.equipped = false; } } if (!curGui.contains(e.getPoint())) { break; } if (this.miniBtn.contains(e.getPoint())) { this.minimizedGui = !this.minimizedGui; break; } if (this.iBtn.contains(e.getPoint())) { this.showInventory = !this.showInventory; break; } if (this.eBtn.contains(e.getPoint())) { this.showCharacter = !this.showCharacter; break; } if (this.qBtn.contains(e.getPoint())) { this.showQuests = !this.showQuests; break; } if (this.mainBtn.contains(e.getPoint())) { this.gameState = GameState.Main; break; } } else { if (e.getButton() != 3) { break; } if (curGui.contains(e.getPoint())) { return; } final Point target = new Point(this.playerLoc.x + e.getX() - 400, this.playerLoc.y + e.getY() - 300); final Iterator iter =, 2, 2).iterator(); Creature bestTarget = null; final Creature oldTarget = this.player.enemyTarget; while (iter.hasNext()) { final Creature cur =; if (cur != this.player) { if (cur.dead) { continue; } if (!cur.getSelectionBound().contains(target, cur) || (bestTarget != null && cur.loc.y <= bestTarget.loc.y)) { continue; } bestTarget = cur; } } this.player.setEnemyTarget(bestTarget,; if (bestTarget == null) { this.player.setTarget(target,; } if (this.player.getModel().action == Action.Attacking && this.player.enemyTarget != oldTarget) { this.player.getModel().getCurrentAnimation().reset(); this.player.getModel().action = Action.Walking; break; } } break; } case GameDialog: { final int selection = this.getDialogSelection(e); if (selection == -1) { break; } this.curDialog = this.player.getNPCTarget().processDialog(this.curDialog, selection, this.player); if (this.curDialog == null) { this.player.endDialog(); this.gameState = GameState.Game; break; } break; } } break; } case MsgBox: { if (this.wndMessage.getMember("button").isClicked(e.getX(), e.getY())) { this.auxState = AuxState.None; break; } break; } } } private synchronized void handleMouseRelease(final MouseEvent e) { if (this.curItem == null) { return; } final Rectangle item = new Rectangle(MouseInfo.getPointerInfo().getLocation().x + this.offset.x, MouseInfo.getPointerInfo().getLocation().y + this.offset.y, this.curItem.imgWidth * 20, this.curItem.imgHeight * 20); if (this.showCharacter && !this.equipped) { if (this.equipWeapon.intersects(item) && this.curItem.getClass() == Weapon.class) { this.player.drop(this.curItem); this.player.equipWeapon((Weapon)this.curItem); } else if (this.equipHead.intersects(item) && this.curItem.getClass() == Armor.class && ((Armor)this.curItem).getType() == Armor.ArmorType.Head) { this.player.drop(this.curItem); this.player.equipArmor(0, (Armor)this.curItem); } else if (this.equipHands.intersects(item) && this.curItem.getClass() == Armor.class && ((Armor)this.curItem).getType() == Armor.ArmorType.Hands) { this.player.drop(this.curItem); this.player.equipArmor(1, (Armor)this.curItem); } else if (this.equipBody.intersects(item) && this.curItem.getClass() == Armor.class && ((Armor)this.curItem).getType() == Armor.ArmorType.Body) { this.player.drop(this.curItem); this.player.equipArmor(2, (Armor)this.curItem); } else if (this.equipFeet.intersects(item) && this.curItem.getClass() == Armor.class && ((Armor)this.curItem).getType() == Armor.ArmorType.Feet) { this.player.drop(this.curItem); this.player.equipArmor(3, (Armor)this.curItem); } } if (this.showInventory) { final int x = e.getX() + this.offset.x; final int y = e.getY() + this.offset.y; if (610 <= x && x + 20 * this.curItem.imgWidth < 630 + 20 * this.player.invSpace[0].length && 285 <= y && y + 20 * this.curItem.imgHeight < 305 + 20 * this.player.invSpace.length) { final int xCoord = Math.round((x - 620) / 20.0f); final int yCoord = Math.round((y - 295) / 20.0f); if (this.equipped) { this.player.pickUp(this.curItem, xCoord, yCoord); if (this.equipNum == 4) { this.player.unequipWeapon((Weapon)this.curItem); } else { this.player.unequipArmor(this.equipNum, (Armor)this.curItem); } } else { this.player.moveItem(this.curItem, xCoord, yCoord); } } } boolean dropItem = true; if (this.showCharacter && this.areaCharacter.intersects(item)) { dropItem = false; } else if (this.showInventory && this.areaInventory.intersects(item)) { dropItem = false; } else if (this.showQuests && this.areaQuests.intersects(item)) { dropItem = false; } else if (this.minimizedGui) { if (this.miniBorder.intersects(item)) { dropItem = false; } } else if (this.fullBorder.intersects(item)) { dropItem = false; } if (dropItem) { if (this.equipped) { if (this.equipNum == 4) { this.player.unequipWeapon((Weapon)this.curItem); } else { this.player.unequipArmor(this.equipNum, (Armor)this.curItem); } } else { this.player.drop(this.curItem); } } this.curItem = null; } private synchronized void handleKeyboardInput(final KeyEvent e) { if (this.selectedText != null) { this.selectedText.handleEvent(e); } else if (e.getKeyCode() == 27) { if (this.gameState == GameState.Game) { this.gameState = GameState.Main; } else { this.done = true; } } else if (e.getKeyCode() == 83) { this.showFps = !this.showFps; } else if (e.getKeyCode() == 90 && this.gameState == GameState.Game) { this.bounds = !this.bounds; } else if (e.getKeyCode() == 88 && this.gameState == GameState.Game) { this.passable = !this.passable; } } @Override public void mousePressed(final MouseEvent e) { this.handleMouseInput(e); } @Override public void mouseReleased(final MouseEvent e) { this.handleMouseRelease(e); } @Override public void mouseEntered(final MouseEvent e) { } @Override public void mouseExited(final MouseEvent e) { } @Override public void mouseClicked(final MouseEvent e) { } @Override public void keyTyped(final KeyEvent e) { } @Override public synchronized void keyPressed(final KeyEvent e) { this.handleKeyboardInput(e); } @Override public void keyReleased(final KeyEvent e) { } private void selectText(final Textbox text) { if (this.selectedText != null) { this.selectedText.setSelected(false); } if ((this.selectedText = text) != null) { text.setSelected(true); } } public static void main(final String[] args) { try { final PrintStream st = new PrintStream(new FileOutputStream("err.txt", true)); System.setErr(st); System.setOut(st); System.out.println("-----[ Session started on " + Utils.dateString() + " ]-----"); final GraphicsEnvironment env = GraphicsEnvironment.getLocalGraphicsEnvironment(); final GraphicsDevice device = env.getDefaultScreenDevice(); new LostHavenRPG(device); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } System.exit(0); } public enum AuxState { None("None", 0), MsgBox("MsgBox", 1); private AuxState(final String s, final int n) { } } public enum GameState { Loading("Loading", 0), Main("Main", 1), CreateAccount("CreateAccount", 2), LoadGame("LoadGame", 3), Credits("Credits", 4), Game("Game", 5), GameDialog("GameDialog", 6); private GameState(final String s, final int n) { } } }