package main; import java.awt.GraphicsEnvironment; import; import; import; import java.awt.event.KeyEvent; import java.awt.event.MouseEvent; import java.util.Iterator; import java.awt.geom.Point2D; import java.util.Random; import java.awt.image.ImageObserver; import java.awt.Image; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.geom.Area; import java.awt.geom.Ellipse2D; import java.awt.Shape; import collision.Bound; import java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D; import utils.DynamicImage; import gamegui.Button; import gamegui.Align; import gamegui.Member; import gamegui.Label; import java.awt.image.BufferStrategy; import java.awt.GraphicsConfiguration; import utils.Utils; import java.awt.GraphicsDevice; import java.awt.Point; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.awt.Font; import gamegui.Textbox; import gamegui.ScrollBar; import gamegui.Window; import java.awt.Frame; import java.awt.image.BufferedImage; import java.awt.Graphics; import java.awt.event.MouseListener; import java.awt.event.KeyListener; public class MapEditor implements KeyListener, MouseListener { public static final int RES_X = 1024; public static final int RES_Y = 768; public static final int MAP_OFFSET_X = 204; public static final int MAP_OFFSET_Y = 148; private static final boolean RUNNING_FROM_JAR = false; public State state; public AuxState auxState; boolean started; boolean done; boolean showFps; int frameCount; int lastFrameCount; long lastFpsUpdate; Graphics g; BufferedImage mapBuffer; Graphics mapG; public static Frame frmMain; public static Map map; Window wndMain; Window wndEdit; Window wndEditPalette; Window wndEditOptions; Window wndDiagnostics; Window wndLoadMap; ScrollBar horBar; ScrollBar verBar; Window wndMessage; Textbox selectedText; Font font11; Font font12; Font font14; Font font24; Font fontTT; static final int LEVEL_ARROWS_OFFSET = 0; static final int SET_ARROWS_OFFSET = 50; HashMap imageMap; HashMap crMap; HashMap tileBreakdowns; ArrayList[] tileByBreakdown; ArrayList> imgSets; ArrayList activeSet; int setIndex; Tile curTile; int curLevel; Tile selectedObject; Creature selectedCreature; String mapName; ArrayList crSet; Creature curCr; boolean bounds; boolean passable; boolean showCr; boolean highLevelPlacement; Point playerLoc; public MapEditor(final GraphicsDevice device) { this.started = false; try { GraphicsConfiguration gc = device.getDefaultConfiguration(); (MapEditor.frmMain = new Frame(gc)).setUndecorated(true); MapEditor.frmMain.setIgnoreRepaint(true); device.setFullScreenWindow(MapEditor.frmMain); if (device.isDisplayChangeSupported()) { Utils.chooseBestDisplayMode(device, 1024, 768); } MapEditor.frmMain.addMouseListener(this); MapEditor.frmMain.addKeyListener(this); MapEditor.frmMain.createBufferStrategy(2); final BufferStrategy bufferStrategy = MapEditor.frmMain.getBufferStrategy(); this.g = bufferStrategy.getDrawGraphics(); this.mapBuffer = gc.createCompatibleImage(800, 600); this.mapG = this.mapBuffer.getGraphics(); Utils.init(gc, RUNNING_FROM_JAR); this.state = State.Main; this.auxState = AuxState.None; this.done = false; this.showFps = false; this.frameCount = 0; this.lastFrameCount = 0; this.lastFpsUpdate = System.nanoTime(); this.setIndex = 0; this.curTile = null; this.curLevel = 0; this.selectedObject = null; this.selectedCreature = null; this.curCr = null; this.bounds = true; this.passable = false; this.showCr = false; this.highLevelPlacement = false; this.loadMap(); this.loadCreatures(); this.loadGUI(); this.started = true; while (!this.done) { this.g = bufferStrategy.getDrawGraphics(); this.handleEvents(); this.render(this.g); this.g.dispose();; ++this.frameCount; if (System.nanoTime() - 1000000000L >= this.lastFpsUpdate) { this.lastFpsUpdate = System.nanoTime(); this.lastFrameCount = this.frameCount; this.frameCount = 0; } } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); return; } finally { device.setFullScreenWindow(null); } device.setFullScreenWindow(null); } private void loadGUI() { this.font11 = new Font("Arial", 0, 11); this.font12 = new Font("Arial", 0, 12); this.font24 = new Font("Arial", 0, 24); this.fontTT = new Font("Courier New", 0, 11); (this.wndMain = new Window("main", 0, 0, 1024, 768, true)).add(new Label("title", 256, 0, 512, 95, "Lost Haven Map Editor", this.font24)); this.wndMain.add(new Button("new map", 668, 140, 200, 40, "New Map", this.font12, Align.Center)); this.wndMain.add(new Button("load map", 668, 240, 200, 40, "Load Map", this.font12, Align.Center)); this.wndMain.add(new Button("quit", 668, 340, 200, 40, "Quit", this.font12, Align.Center)); this.wndEdit = new Window("edit", 0, 0, 1024, 768, true); (this.wndEditPalette = new Window("editPalette", 0, 0, 203, 767, false)).add(new Label("selected", 62, 10, 80, 20, "Selected Tile:", this.font12)); this.wndEditPalette.add(new Label("level", 62, 125, 80, 20, "Level " + this.curLevel, this.font12)); this.wndEditPalette.add(new Label("switch", 62, 175, 80, 20, "Switch", this.font12)); this.wndEdit.add(this.wndEditPalette); (this.wndEditOptions = new Window("editOptions", 203, 0, 820, 147, false)).add(new Textbox("name", 65, 25, 160, 20, "Name:", this.font12, false)); this.wndEditOptions.add(new Textbox("x", 65, 65, 80, 20, "Width:", this.font12, false)); this.wndEditOptions.add(new Textbox("y", 65, 105, 80, 20, "Height:", this.font12, false)); this.wndEditOptions.add(new Button("new", 400, 108, 80, 20, "New", this.font12)); this.wndEditOptions.add(new Button("save", 500, 108, 80, 20, "Save", this.font12)); this.wndEditOptions.add(new Button("load", 600, 108, 80, 20, "Load", this.font12)); this.wndEditOptions.add(new Button("back", 700, 108, 80, 20, "Back", this.font12)); this.wndEdit.add(this.wndEditOptions); this.horBar = new ScrollBar("horScroll", 204, 748, 800, 19, 8, true); this.verBar = new ScrollBar("verScroll", 1004, 147, 19, 601, 8, false); this.wndEdit.add(this.horBar); this.wndEdit.add(this.verBar); (this.wndMessage = new Window("message", 402, 202, 220, 160)).add(new Label("label", 20, 15, 180, 12, "none", this.font12)); this.wndMessage.add(new Button("button", 70, 115, 80, 30, "OK", this.font12)); (this.wndLoadMap = new Window("load map", 402, 202, 220, 160)).add(new Textbox("map_name", 80, 15, 120, 20, "Map Name:", this.font12, false)); this.wndLoadMap.add(new Button("load", 20, 115, 80, 30, "Load", this.font12, Align.Center)); this.wndLoadMap.add(new Button("back", 120, 115, 80, 30, "Back", this.font12, Align.Center)); this.wndDiagnostics = new Window("diagnostics", 0, 0, 80, 40, true); } private void loadMap() { this.imageMap = new HashMap(); this.crMap = new HashMap(); this.tileBreakdowns = new HashMap(); this.tileByBreakdown = (ArrayList[])new ArrayList[81]; (this.imgSets = new ArrayList>()).add(new ArrayList()); this.imgSets.add(new ArrayList()); this.imgSets.add(new ArrayList()); this.imgSets.add(new ArrayList()); this.imgSets.add(new ArrayList()); this.imgSets.add(new ArrayList()); this.imgSets.add(new ArrayList()); for (int x = 0; x < 16; ++x) { this.imgSets.get(0).add(new Tile(new MapImage(new DynamicImage("tiles/ground" + (x + 1) + ".png"), MapType.Ground))); this.imageMap.put(MapImage.lastKey, this.imgSets.get(0).get(x)); } for (int x = 0; x < 12; ++x) { this.imgSets.get(1).add(new Tile(new MapImage(new DynamicImage("tiles/cliff" + (x + 1) + ".png"), MapType.Ground))); this.imageMap.put(MapImage.lastKey, this.imgSets.get(1).get(x)); } int last = 15; this.imageMap.get(last + 1).getImg().setDrawOffset(-40, 0); this.imageMap.get(last + 3).getImg().setDrawOffset(-40, 0); this.imageMap.get(last + 5).getImg().setDrawOffset(0, -40); this.imageMap.get(last + 6).getImg().setDrawOffset(0, -40); this.imageMap.get(last + 7).getImg().setDrawOffset(-40, -40); this.imageMap.get(last + 8).getImg().setDrawOffset(0, -40); this.imageMap.get(last + 9).getImg().setDrawOffset(-40, 0); this.imageMap.get(last + 1).getImg().setSortOffset(-18, 0); this.imageMap.get(last + 2).getImg().setSortOffset(62, 0); this.imageMap.get(last + 3).getImg().setSortOffset(-18, 0); this.imageMap.get(last + 4).getImg().setSortOffset(62, 0); this.imageMap.get(last + 5).getImg().setSortOffset(0, 32); this.imageMap.get(last + 6).getImg().setSortOffset(0, 32); this.imageMap.get(last + 7).getImg().setSortOffset(-18, 32); this.imageMap.get(last + 8).getImg().setSortOffset(62, 32); this.imageMap.get(last + 9).getImg().setSortOffset(-18, 75); this.imageMap.get(last + 10).getImg().setSortOffset(62, 75); this.imageMap.get(last + 11).getImg().setSortOffset(0, 75); this.imageMap.get(last + 12).getImg().setSortOffset(0, 75); this.imageMap.get(last + 1).setBound(new Bound(new Rectangle2D.Double(20.0, 0.0, 15.0, 40.0))); this.imageMap.get(last + 2).setBound(new Bound(new Rectangle2D.Double(45.0, 0.0, 21.0, 40.0))); this.imageMap.get(last + 3).setBound(new Bound(new Rectangle2D.Double(20.0, 0.0, 15.0, 40.0))); this.imageMap.get(last + 4).setBound(new Bound(new Rectangle2D.Double(45.0, 0.0, 21.0, 40.0))); this.imageMap.get(last + 5).setBound(new Bound(new Rectangle2D.Double(0.0, 20.0, 40.0, 15.0))); this.imageMap.get(last + 6).setBound(new Bound(new Rectangle2D.Double(0.0, 20.0, 40.0, 15.0))); this.imageMap.get(last + 11).setBound(new Bound(new Rectangle2D.Double(0.0, 45.0, 40.0, 27.0))); this.imageMap.get(last + 12).setBound(new Bound(new Rectangle2D.Double(0.0, 45.0, 40.0, 27.0))); Bound b1 = new Bound(new Ellipse2D.Double(20.0, -48.0, 120.0, 120.0)); b1.intersect(new Bound(new Rectangle2D.Double(20.0, 12.0, 60.0, 60.0))); b1.add(new Bound(new Rectangle2D.Double(20.0, 0.0, 15.0, 12.0))); b1.subtract(new Bound(new Ellipse2D.Double(35.0, -21.0, 66.0, 66.0))); b1.subtract(new Bound(new Rectangle2D.Double(68.0, 35.0, 12.0, 10.0))); final Bound b2 = new Bound(new Ellipse2D.Double(-66.0, -60.0, 132.0, 132.0)); b2.intersect(new Bound(new Rectangle2D.Double(0.0, 6.0, 66.0, 66.0))); b2.add(new Bound(new Rectangle2D.Double(45.0, 0.0, 21.0, 6.0))); b2.subtract(new Bound(new Ellipse2D.Double(-45.0, -45.0, 90.0, 90.0))); final Bound b3 = new Bound(new Ellipse2D.Double(-54.0, 20.0, 120.0, 120.0)); b3.intersect(new Bound(new Rectangle2D.Double(6.0, 20.0, 60.0, 60.0))); b3.add(new Bound(new Rectangle2D.Double(0.0, 20.0, 6.0, 15.0))); b3.subtract(new Bound(new Ellipse2D.Double(-33.0, 35.0, 78.0, 78.0))); b3.subtract(new Bound(new Rectangle2D.Double(39.0, 74.0, 6.0, 6.0))); final Bound b4 = new Bound(new Ellipse2D.Double(20.0, 20.0, 120.0, 120.0)); b4.intersect(new Bound(new Rectangle2D.Double(20.0, 20.0, 60.0, 60.0))); b4.subtract(new Bound(new Ellipse2D.Double(35.0, 35.0, 90.0, 90.0))); this.imageMap.get(last + 7).setBound(b4); this.imageMap.get(last + 8).setBound(b3); this.imageMap.get(last + 9).setBound(b1); this.imageMap.get(last + 10).setBound(b2); this.imageMap.get(last + 7).getImg().setNeedsBase(true); this.imageMap.get(last + 8).getImg().setNeedsBase(true); for (int x2 = 0; x2 < 6; ++x2) { this.imgSets.get(2).add(new Tile(new MapImage(new DynamicImage("tiles/rock" + (x2 + 1) + ".png"), MapType.Ground))); this.imageMap.put(MapImage.lastKey, this.imgSets.get(2).get(x2)); } last = 33; this.imgSets.get(3).add(new Tile(new MapImage(new DynamicImage("objects/rock1.png"), MapType.Object))); this.imageMap.put(MapImage.lastKey, this.imgSets.get(3).get(0)); this.imgSets.get(3).add(new Tile(new MapImage(new DynamicImage("objects/rock2.png"), MapType.Object))); this.imageMap.put(MapImage.lastKey, this.imgSets.get(3).get(1)); this.imgSets.get(3).add(new Tile(new MapImage(new DynamicImage("objects/tree1.png"), MapType.Object))); this.imageMap.put(MapImage.lastKey, this.imgSets.get(3).get(2)); this.imgSets.get(3).add(new Tile(new MapImage(new DynamicImage("objects/tree2.png"), MapType.Object))); this.imageMap.put(MapImage.lastKey, this.imgSets.get(3).get(3)); this.imageMap.get(last + 1).getImg().setDrawOffset(-22, -28); this.imageMap.get(last + 2).getImg().setDrawOffset(-16, -50); this.imageMap.get(last + 3).getImg().setDrawOffset(-36, -100); this.imageMap.get(last + 4).getImg().setDrawOffset(-58, -83); this.imageMap.get(last + 1).setBound(new Bound(new Ellipse2D.Double(-6.0, -6.0, 12.0, 12.0))); this.imageMap.get(last + 2).setBound(new Bound(new Ellipse2D.Double(-6.0, -6.0, 12.0, 12.0))); this.imageMap.get(last + 3).setBound(new Bound(new Ellipse2D.Double(-16.0, -16.0, 32.0, 32.0))); this.imageMap.get(last + 4).setBound(new Bound(new Ellipse2D.Double(-30.0, -30.0, 60.0, 60.0))); for (int x2 = 0; x2 < 19; ++x2) { this.imgSets.get(4).add(new Tile(new MapImage(new DynamicImage("tiles/pave" + (x2 + 1) + ".png"), MapType.Ground))); this.imageMap.put(MapImage.lastKey, this.imgSets.get(4).get(x2)); } for (int x2 = 0; x2 < 13; ++x2) { this.imgSets.get(5).add(new Tile(new MapImage(new DynamicImage("tiles/fence" + (x2 + 1) + ".png"), MapType.Structure))); this.imageMap.put(MapImage.lastKey, this.imgSets.get(5).get(x2)); } last = 56; this.imageMap.get(last + 1).getImg().setDrawOffset(-19, -85); this.imageMap.get(last + 2).getImg().setDrawOffset(-20, -85); this.imageMap.get(last + 3).getImg().setDrawOffset(-20, -97); this.imageMap.get(last + 4).getImg().setDrawOffset(-16, -72); this.imageMap.get(last + 5).getImg().setDrawOffset(-20, -81); this.imageMap.get(last + 6).getImg().setDrawOffset(-13, -45); this.imageMap.get(last + 7).getImg().setDrawOffset(-20, -67); this.imageMap.get(last + 8).getImg().setDrawOffset(-13, -51); this.imageMap.get(last + 9).getImg().setDrawOffset(-17, -95); this.imageMap.get(last + 10).getImg().setDrawOffset(-22, -95); this.imageMap.get(last + 11).getImg().setDrawOffset(-19, -86); this.imageMap.get(last + 12).getImg().setDrawOffset(-20, -67); this.imageMap.get(last + 13).getImg().setDrawOffset(-20, -84); b1 = new Bound(new Rectangle2D.Double(-14.0, -40.0, 34.0, 40.0)); b1.add(new Bound(new Rectangle2D.Double(-20.0, -25.0, 6.0, 25.0))); this.imageMap.get(last + 1).setBound(new Bound(new Rectangle2D.Double(-14.0, -25.0, 34.0, 25.0))); this.imageMap.get(last + 2).setBound(new Bound(new Rectangle2D.Double(-20.0, -25.0, 40.0, 25.0))); this.imageMap.get(last + 3).setBound(new Bound(new Rectangle2D.Double(-20.0, -25.0, 40.0, 25.0))); this.imageMap.get(last + 5).setBound(b1); this.imageMap.get(last + 6).setBound(new Bound(new Rectangle2D.Double(-14.0, -40.0, 34.0, 40.0))); this.imageMap.get(last + 7).setBound(new Bound(new Rectangle2D.Double(-20.0, -25.0, 40.0, 25.0))); this.imageMap.get(last + 8).setBound(new Bound(new Rectangle2D.Double(-14.0, -40.0, 34.0, 40.0))); this.imageMap.get(last + 9).setBound(new Bound(new Rectangle2D.Double(-20.0, -25.0, 40.0, 25.0))); this.imageMap.get(last + 10).setBound(new Bound(new Rectangle2D.Double(-20.0, -25.0, 40.0, 25.0))); this.imageMap.get(last + 11).setBound(new Bound(new Rectangle2D.Double(-14.0, -40.0, 34.0, 40.0))); this.imageMap.get(last + 12).setBound(new Bound(new Rectangle2D.Double(-20.0, -25.0, 40.0, 25.0))); this.imgSets.get(6).add(this.imgSets.get(0).get(0)); this.imgSets.get(6).add(this.imgSets.get(0).get(9)); this.imgSets.get(6).add(this.imgSets.get(4).get(0)); this.setBreakdown(this.imgSets.get(0).get(0), GroundType.Grass, GroundType.Grass, GroundType.Grass, GroundType.Grass); this.setBreakdown(this.imgSets.get(0).get(1), GroundType.Dirt, GroundType.Dirt, GroundType.Dirt, GroundType.Grass); this.setBreakdown(this.imgSets.get(0).get(2), GroundType.Dirt, GroundType.Dirt, GroundType.Grass, GroundType.Dirt); this.setBreakdown(this.imgSets.get(0).get(3), GroundType.Dirt, GroundType.Grass, GroundType.Grass, GroundType.Grass); this.setBreakdown(this.imgSets.get(0).get(4), GroundType.Dirt, GroundType.Dirt, GroundType.Grass, GroundType.Grass); this.setBreakdown(this.imgSets.get(0).get(5), GroundType.Grass, GroundType.Dirt, GroundType.Grass, GroundType.Grass); this.setBreakdown(this.imgSets.get(0).get(6), GroundType.Dirt, GroundType.Grass, GroundType.Dirt, GroundType.Dirt); this.setBreakdown(this.imgSets.get(0).get(7), GroundType.Grass, GroundType.Dirt, GroundType.Dirt, GroundType.Dirt); this.setBreakdown(this.imgSets.get(0).get(8), GroundType.Dirt, GroundType.Grass, GroundType.Dirt, GroundType.Grass); this.setBreakdown(this.imgSets.get(0).get(9), GroundType.Dirt, GroundType.Dirt, GroundType.Dirt, GroundType.Dirt); this.setBreakdown(this.imgSets.get(0).get(10), GroundType.Grass, GroundType.Dirt, GroundType.Grass, GroundType.Dirt); this.setBreakdown(this.imgSets.get(0).get(11), GroundType.Grass, GroundType.Grass, GroundType.Dirt, GroundType.Grass); this.setBreakdown(this.imgSets.get(0).get(12), GroundType.Grass, GroundType.Grass, GroundType.Dirt, GroundType.Dirt); this.setBreakdown(this.imgSets.get(0).get(13), GroundType.Grass, GroundType.Grass, GroundType.Grass, GroundType.Dirt); this.setBreakdown(this.imgSets.get(0).get(14), GroundType.Dirt, GroundType.Grass, GroundType.Grass, GroundType.Dirt); this.setBreakdown(this.imgSets.get(0).get(15), GroundType.Grass, GroundType.Dirt, GroundType.Dirt, GroundType.Grass); this.setBreakdown(this.imgSets.get(4).get(0), GroundType.Stone, GroundType.Stone, GroundType.Stone, GroundType.Stone); this.setBreakdown(this.imgSets.get(4).get(1), GroundType.Stone, GroundType.Stone, GroundType.Stone, GroundType.Stone); this.setBreakdown(this.imgSets.get(4).get(2), GroundType.Stone, GroundType.Stone, GroundType.Stone, GroundType.Stone); this.setBreakdown(this.imgSets.get(4).get(3), GroundType.Stone, GroundType.Stone, GroundType.Stone, GroundType.Stone); this.setBreakdown(this.imgSets.get(4).get(4), GroundType.Dirt, GroundType.Dirt, GroundType.Dirt, GroundType.Stone); this.setBreakdown(this.imgSets.get(4).get(5), GroundType.Dirt, GroundType.Dirt, GroundType.Stone, GroundType.Stone); this.setBreakdown(this.imgSets.get(4).get(6), GroundType.Dirt, GroundType.Dirt, GroundType.Stone, GroundType.Dirt); this.setBreakdown(this.imgSets.get(4).get(7), GroundType.Dirt, GroundType.Stone, GroundType.Stone, GroundType.Stone); this.setBreakdown(this.imgSets.get(4).get(8), GroundType.Stone, GroundType.Dirt, GroundType.Stone, GroundType.Stone); this.setBreakdown(this.imgSets.get(4).get(9), GroundType.Dirt, GroundType.Stone, GroundType.Dirt, GroundType.Stone); this.setBreakdown(this.imgSets.get(4).get(10), GroundType.Stone, GroundType.Stone, GroundType.Stone, GroundType.Stone); this.setBreakdown(this.imgSets.get(4).get(11), GroundType.Stone, GroundType.Dirt, GroundType.Stone, GroundType.Dirt); this.setBreakdown(this.imgSets.get(4).get(12), GroundType.Stone, GroundType.Stone, GroundType.Dirt, GroundType.Stone); this.setBreakdown(this.imgSets.get(4).get(13), GroundType.Stone, GroundType.Stone, GroundType.Stone, GroundType.Dirt); this.setBreakdown(this.imgSets.get(4).get(14), GroundType.Dirt, GroundType.Stone, GroundType.Dirt, GroundType.Dirt); this.setBreakdown(this.imgSets.get(4).get(15), GroundType.Stone, GroundType.Stone, GroundType.Dirt, GroundType.Dirt); this.setBreakdown(this.imgSets.get(4).get(16), GroundType.Stone, GroundType.Dirt, GroundType.Dirt, GroundType.Dirt); this.setBreakdown(this.imgSets.get(4).get(17), GroundType.Dirt, GroundType.Stone, GroundType.Stone, GroundType.Dirt); this.setBreakdown(this.imgSets.get(4).get(18), GroundType.Stone, GroundType.Dirt, GroundType.Dirt, GroundType.Stone); this.setIndex = 0; this.activeSet = this.imgSets.get(this.setIndex); this.curTile = this.activeSet.get(0); } private void loadCreatures() { this.crSet = new ArrayList(); Utils.loadCreatures(this.crMap, this.crSet); this.curCr = this.crSet.get(0); } private boolean createNewMap() { final String name = ((Textbox)this.wndEditOptions.getMember("name")).getText(); final String strX = ((Textbox)this.wndEditOptions.getMember("x")).getText(); final String strY = ((Textbox)this.wndEditOptions.getMember("y")).getText(); boolean passed = false; if (name.equals("")) { this.showMessage("You didn't enter a name for the map"); } else if (strX.equals("")) { this.showMessage("You didn't enter a width"); } else if (strY.equals("")) { this.showMessage("You didn't enter a height"); } else { int x = 0; int y = 0; passed = true; try { x = Integer.parseInt(strX); if (x <= 0) { passed = false; this.showMessage("The width must be positive"); } } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { passed = false; this.showMessage("Your width is not a valid integer"); } try { y = Integer.parseInt(strY); if (y <= 0) { passed = false; this.showMessage("The height must be positive"); } } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { passed = false; this.showMessage("Your height is not a valid integer"); } if (passed) { this.playerLoc = new Point(400, 300); = new Map(x, y, this.imgSets.get(0).get(0), this.imgSets.get(0).get(9)); this.mapName = name; this.horBar.setSize(800 * this.horBar.getMaxSize() / ( * 40 + 800)); this.verBar.setSize(600 * this.verBar.getMaxSize() / ( * 40 + 600)); this.horBar.setPosition(this.horBar.getMaxSize() * this.playerLoc.x / (40 * + 800)); this.verBar.setPosition(this.verBar.getMaxSize() * this.playerLoc.y / (40 * + 600)); this.showMessage(; } } return passed; } private ArrayList getTilesByBreakdown(final GroundType[] t) { return this.tileByBreakdown[t[0].ordinal() * 27 + t[1].ordinal() * 9 + t[2].ordinal() * 3 + t[3].ordinal()]; } private GroundType[] getBreakdown(final Tile t) { return this.tileBreakdowns.get(t.getImg().key); } private void setBreakdown(final Tile t, final GroundType t1, final GroundType t2, final GroundType t3, final GroundType t4) { final GroundType[] type = { t1, t2, t3, t4 }; this.tileBreakdowns.put(t.getImg().key, type); final int index = t1.ordinal() * 27 + t2.ordinal() * 9 + t3.ordinal() * 3 + t4.ordinal(); if (this.tileByBreakdown[index] == null) { this.tileByBreakdown[index] = new ArrayList(); } this.tileByBreakdown[index].add(t); } private synchronized void handleEvents() { switch (this.state) { } } private synchronized void render(final Graphics g) { g.setColor(; g.fillRect(0, 0, 1024, 768); this.mapG.setColor(; this.mapG.fillRect(0, 0, 800, 600); switch (this.state) { case Main: { this.wndMain.draw(g); break; } case Edit: { this.wndEdit.draw(g); this.drawPalette(g);, this.playerLoc, this.bounds, this.passable); g.drawImage(this.mapBuffer, 204, 148, null); if (this.selectedObject != null) { g.setColor(; final int selectedX = 400 - this.playerLoc.x + 204 + this.selectedObject.loc.x; final int selectedY = 300 - this.playerLoc.y + 148 + this.selectedObject.loc.y; g.drawOval(selectedX - 25, selectedY - 33, 50, 50); } if (this.selectedCreature != null) { g.setColor(; final int selectedX = 400 - this.playerLoc.x + 204 + this.selectedCreature.loc.x; final int selectedY = 300 - this.playerLoc.y + 148 + this.selectedCreature.loc.y; g.drawOval(selectedX - 25, selectedY - 33, 50, 50); break; } break; } } switch (this.auxState) { case MsgBox: { this.wndMessage.draw(g); break; } case LoadMap: { this.wndLoadMap.draw(g); break; } } if (this.showFps) { this.drawDiagnostics(g); } } private void drawPalette(final Graphics g) { if (this.showCr) { final DynamicImage curImg = this.curCr.getModel().getAnimation(Direction.South, Action.Standing).frames.get(0); curImg.draw(g, (204 - curImg.getWidth()) / 2, 40); int yOffset = 215; for (int x = 0; x < this.crSet.size(); x += 2) { final DynamicImage img1 = this.crSet.get(x).getModel().getAnimation(Direction.South, Action.Standing).frames.get(0); img1.draw(g, 97 - img1.getWidth(), yOffset); if (this.crSet.size() != x + 1) { final DynamicImage img2 = this.crSet.get(x + 1).getModel().getAnimation(Direction.South, Action.Standing).frames.get(0); img2.draw(g, 107, yOffset); yOffset += Math.max(img1.getHeight(), img2.getHeight()) + 10; } } this.drawArrows(g, 0, this.curLevel, 5); this.drawArrows(g, 50, this.imgSets.size(), this.imgSets.size() - 1); return; } this.curTile.getImg().drawNoOffset(g, (204 - this.curTile.getImg().getWidth()) / 2, 40); int yOffset2 = 215; for (int x2 = 0; x2 < this.activeSet.size(); x2 += 2) { this.activeSet.get(x2).getImg().drawNoOffset(g, 97 - this.activeSet.get(x2).getImg().getWidth(), yOffset2); if (this.activeSet.size() != x2 + 1) { this.activeSet.get(x2 + 1).getImg().drawNoOffset(g, 107, yOffset2); yOffset2 += Math.max(this.activeSet.get(x2).getImg().getHeight(), this.activeSet.get(x2 + 1).getImg().getHeight()) + 10; } } this.drawArrows(g, 0, this.curLevel, 5); this.drawArrows(g, 50, this.setIndex, this.imgSets.size() - 1); } private void drawArrows(final Graphics g, final int arrowShift, final int curIndex, final int maxIndex) { if (curIndex > 0) { g.setColor(Color.yellow); } else { g.setColor(new Color(127, 127, 0)); } g.drawLine(67, 146 + arrowShift, 87, 146 + arrowShift); g.drawLine(67, 152 + arrowShift, 87, 152 + arrowShift); g.drawLine(87, 146 + arrowShift, 87, 152 + arrowShift); g.drawLine(60, 149 + arrowShift, 67, 142 + arrowShift); g.drawLine(67, 142 + arrowShift, 67, 146 + arrowShift); g.drawLine(60, 149 + arrowShift, 67, 156 + arrowShift); g.drawLine(67, 156 + arrowShift, 67, 152 + arrowShift); if (curIndex < maxIndex) { g.setColor(Color.yellow); } else { g.setColor(new Color(127, 127, 0)); } g.drawLine(117, 146 + arrowShift, 137, 146 + arrowShift); g.drawLine(117, 152 + arrowShift, 137, 152 + arrowShift); g.drawLine(117, 146 + arrowShift, 117, 152 + arrowShift); g.drawLine(144, 149 + arrowShift, 137, 142 + arrowShift); g.drawLine(137, 142 + arrowShift, 137, 146 + arrowShift); g.drawLine(144, 149 + arrowShift, 137, 156 + arrowShift); g.drawLine(137, 156 + arrowShift, 137, 152 + arrowShift); } private void drawDiagnostics(final Graphics g) { this.wndDiagnostics.draw(g); g.setColor(; g.setFont(this.fontTT); g.drawString("FPS: " + this.lastFrameCount, 0, 15); } private boolean changeLevel(final int x, final int y) { if (142 < y && y < 156) { if (60 <= x && x <= 87) { if (this.curLevel > 0) { --this.curLevel; ((Label)this.wndEditPalette.getMember("level")).setText("Level " + this.curLevel); } return true; } if (117 <= x && x <= 144) { if (this.curLevel < 5) { ++this.curLevel; ((Label)this.wndEditPalette.getMember("level")).setText("Level " + this.curLevel); } return true; } } return false; } private boolean changeSet(final int x, final int y) { if (192 < y && y < 206) { if (60 <= x && x <= 87) { if (this.setIndex > 0) { --this.setIndex; this.activeSet = this.imgSets.get(this.setIndex); this.showCr = false; } return true; } if (117 <= x && x <= 144) { if (this.setIndex < this.imgSets.size() - 1) { ++this.setIndex; this.activeSet = this.imgSets.get(this.setIndex); } else if (this.setIndex == this.imgSets.size() - 1) { ++this.setIndex; this.showCr = true; } return true; } } return false; } private boolean selectNewImage(final int x, final int y) { boolean foundImage = false; int index = 0; int yOffset = 215; if (this.showCr) { DynamicImage img2 = null; while (index < this.crSet.size() && !foundImage) { final DynamicImage img3 = this.crSet.get(index).getModel().getAnimation(Direction.South, Action.Standing).frames.get(0); int rowHeight; if (this.crSet.size() == index + 1) { rowHeight = img3.getHeight(); } else { img2 = this.crSet.get(index + 1).getModel().getAnimation(Direction.South, Action.Standing).frames.get(0); rowHeight = Math.max(img3.getHeight(), img2.getHeight()); } if (yOffset <= y && y < yOffset + rowHeight) { if (97 - img3.getWidth() <= x && x < 97) { if (y < yOffset + img3.getHeight()) { foundImage = true; } } else if (107 <= x && this.crSet.size() > index + 1 && x < 107 + img2.getWidth() && y < yOffset + img2.getHeight()) { foundImage = true; ++index; } } else { yOffset += rowHeight + 10; } if (!foundImage) { index += 2; } } if (foundImage) { this.curCr = this.crSet.get(index); } return foundImage; } while (index < this.activeSet.size() && !foundImage) { int rowHeight; if (this.activeSet.size() == index + 1) { rowHeight = this.activeSet.get(index).getImg().getHeight(); } else { rowHeight = Math.max(this.activeSet.get(index).getImg().getHeight(), this.activeSet.get(index + 1).getImg().getHeight()); } if (yOffset <= y && y < yOffset + rowHeight) { if (97 - this.activeSet.get(index).getImg().getWidth() <= x && x < 97) { if (y < yOffset + this.activeSet.get(index).getImg().getHeight()) { foundImage = true; } } else if (107 <= x && this.activeSet.size() > index + 1 && x < 107 + this.activeSet.get(index + 1).getImg().getWidth() && y < yOffset + this.activeSet.get(index + 1).getImg().getHeight()) { foundImage = true; ++index; } } else { yOffset += rowHeight + 10; } if (!foundImage) { index += 2; } } if (foundImage) { this.curTile = this.activeSet.get(index); } this.highLevelPlacement = (this.activeSet == this.imgSets.get(6)); return foundImage; } private void placeTile(int x, int y) { x -= 204; y -= 148; if (x >= 0 && x < 800 && y >= 0 && y < 600) { x += this.playerLoc.x - 400; y += this.playerLoc.y - 300; if (x >= 0 && x < 40 * && y >= 0 && y < 40 * { if (this.showCr) { / 40, y / 40, this.curCr.copy(new Point(x, y))); } else if (this.curTile.getImg().getType() == MapType.Ground) { if (this.highLevelPlacement) { this.placeGroup(this.curTile, x, y); } else { / 40, y / 40, new Tile(this.curTile, x - x % 40, y - y % 40, this.curLevel)); } } else if (this.curTile.getImg().getType() == MapType.Object) { / 40, y / 40, new Tile(this.curTile, x, y, this.curLevel)); System.out.println("place at (" + x / 40 + ", " + y / 40 + ")"); } else if (this.curTile.getImg().getType() == MapType.Structure) { / 40, y / 40, new Tile(this.curTile, x - x % 40 + 20, y - y % 40 + 39, this.curLevel)); } } } } private boolean containsGroundType(final GroundType[] arr, final GroundType t) { return arr[0] == t || arr[1] == t || arr[2] == t || arr[3] == t; } private void placeGroup(final Tile tile, final int x, final int y) { final int xMap = x / 40; final int yMap = y / 40; final ArrayList[] tiles = new ArrayList[9]; final GroundType[] middle = this.getBreakdown(tile); final GroundType[] breakdown = new GroundType[4]; if (this.containsGroundType(middle, GroundType.Stone)) { if (xMap > 0 && yMap > 0 && this.containsGroundType(this.getBreakdown( - 1, yMap - 1).getGround()), GroundType.Grass)) { this.placeGroup(this.imgSets.get(6).get(1), x - 40, y - 40); } if (yMap > 0 && this.containsGroundType(this.getBreakdown(, yMap - 1).getGround()), GroundType.Grass)) { this.placeGroup(this.imgSets.get(6).get(1), x, y - 40); } if (xMap < - 1 && yMap > 0 && this.containsGroundType(this.getBreakdown( + 1, yMap - 1).getGround()), GroundType.Grass)) { this.placeGroup(this.imgSets.get(6).get(1), x + 40, y - 40); } if (xMap < - 1 && this.containsGroundType(this.getBreakdown( + 1, yMap).getGround()), GroundType.Grass)) { this.placeGroup(this.imgSets.get(6).get(1), x + 40, y); } if (xMap < - 1 && yMap < - 1 && this.containsGroundType(this.getBreakdown( + 1, yMap + 1).getGround()), GroundType.Grass)) { this.placeGroup(this.imgSets.get(6).get(1), x + 40, y + 40); } if (yMap < - 1 && this.containsGroundType(this.getBreakdown(, yMap + 1).getGround()), GroundType.Grass)) { this.placeGroup(this.imgSets.get(6).get(1), x, y + 40); } if (xMap > 0 && yMap < - 1 && this.containsGroundType(this.getBreakdown( - 1, yMap + 1).getGround()), GroundType.Grass)) { this.placeGroup(this.imgSets.get(6).get(1), x - 40, y + 40); } if (xMap > 0 && this.containsGroundType(this.getBreakdown( - 1, yMap).getGround()), GroundType.Grass)) { this.placeGroup(this.imgSets.get(6).get(1), x - 40, y); } } else if (this.containsGroundType(middle, GroundType.Grass)) { if (xMap > 0 && yMap > 0 && this.containsGroundType(this.getBreakdown( - 1, yMap - 1).getGround()), GroundType.Stone)) { this.placeGroup(this.imgSets.get(6).get(1), x - 40, y - 40); } if (yMap > 0 && this.containsGroundType(this.getBreakdown(, yMap - 1).getGround()), GroundType.Stone)) { this.placeGroup(this.imgSets.get(6).get(1), x, y - 40); } if (xMap < - 1 && yMap > 0 && this.containsGroundType(this.getBreakdown( + 1, yMap - 1).getGround()), GroundType.Stone)) { this.placeGroup(this.imgSets.get(6).get(1), x + 40, y - 40); } if (xMap < - 1 && this.containsGroundType(this.getBreakdown( + 1, yMap).getGround()), GroundType.Stone)) { this.placeGroup(this.imgSets.get(6).get(1), x + 40, y); } if (xMap < - 1 && yMap < - 1 && this.containsGroundType(this.getBreakdown( + 1, yMap + 1).getGround()), GroundType.Stone)) { this.placeGroup(this.imgSets.get(6).get(1), x + 40, y + 40); } if (yMap < - 1 && this.containsGroundType(this.getBreakdown(, yMap + 1).getGround()), GroundType.Stone)) { this.placeGroup(this.imgSets.get(6).get(1), x, y + 40); } if (xMap > 0 && yMap < - 1 && this.containsGroundType(this.getBreakdown( - 1, yMap + 1).getGround()), GroundType.Stone)) { this.placeGroup(this.imgSets.get(6).get(1), x - 40, y + 40); } if (xMap > 0 && this.containsGroundType(this.getBreakdown( - 1, yMap).getGround()), GroundType.Stone)) { this.placeGroup(this.imgSets.get(6).get(1), x - 40, y); } } tiles[4] = this.getTilesByBreakdown(middle); if (xMap > 0 && yMap > 0) { final GroundType[] old = this.getBreakdown( - 1, yMap - 1).getGround()); System.arraycopy(old, 0, breakdown, 0, 4); breakdown[3] = middle[0]; tiles[0] = this.getTilesByBreakdown(breakdown); this.addTile(x - 40, y - 40, tiles[0].get(new Random().nextInt(tiles[0].size()))); } if (yMap > 0) { final GroundType[] old = this.getBreakdown(, yMap - 1).getGround()); System.arraycopy(old, 0, breakdown, 0, 4); breakdown[2] = middle[0]; breakdown[3] = middle[1]; tiles[1] = this.getTilesByBreakdown(breakdown); this.addTile(x, y - 40, tiles[1].get(new Random().nextInt(tiles[1].size()))); } if (xMap < - 1 && yMap > 0) { final GroundType[] old = this.getBreakdown( + 1, yMap - 1).getGround()); System.arraycopy(old, 0, breakdown, 0, 4); breakdown[2] = middle[1]; tiles[2] = this.getTilesByBreakdown(breakdown); this.addTile(x + 40, y - 40, tiles[2].get(new Random().nextInt(tiles[2].size()))); } if (xMap < - 1) { final GroundType[] old = this.getBreakdown( + 1, yMap).getGround()); System.arraycopy(old, 0, breakdown, 0, 4); breakdown[0] = middle[1]; breakdown[2] = middle[3]; tiles[5] = this.getTilesByBreakdown(breakdown); this.addTile(x + 40, y, tiles[5].get(new Random().nextInt(tiles[5].size()))); } if (xMap < - 1 && yMap < - 1) { final GroundType[] old = this.getBreakdown( + 1, yMap + 1).getGround()); System.arraycopy(old, 0, breakdown, 0, 4); breakdown[0] = middle[3]; tiles[8] = this.getTilesByBreakdown(breakdown); this.addTile(x + 40, y + 40, tiles[8].get(new Random().nextInt(tiles[8].size()))); } if (yMap < - 1) { final GroundType[] old = this.getBreakdown(, yMap + 1).getGround()); System.arraycopy(old, 0, breakdown, 0, 4); breakdown[0] = middle[2]; breakdown[1] = middle[3]; tiles[7] = this.getTilesByBreakdown(breakdown); this.addTile(x, y + 40, tiles[7].get(new Random().nextInt(tiles[7].size()))); } if (xMap > 0 && yMap < - 1) { final GroundType[] old = this.getBreakdown( - 1, yMap + 1).getGround()); System.arraycopy(old, 0, breakdown, 0, 4); breakdown[1] = middle[2]; tiles[6] = this.getTilesByBreakdown(breakdown); this.addTile(x - 40, y + 40, tiles[6].get(new Random().nextInt(tiles[6].size()))); } if (xMap > 0) { final GroundType[] old = this.getBreakdown( - 1, yMap).getGround()); System.arraycopy(old, 0, breakdown, 0, 4); breakdown[1] = middle[0]; breakdown[3] = middle[2]; tiles[3] = this.getTilesByBreakdown(breakdown); this.addTile(x - 40, y, tiles[3].get(new Random().nextInt(tiles[3].size()))); } this.addTile(x, y, tiles[4].get(new Random().nextInt(tiles[4].size()))); } private void addTile(final int x, final int y, final Tile t) { / 40, y / 40, new Tile(t, x - x % 40, y - y % 40, this.curLevel)); } private void selectObject(int x, int y) { x -= 204; y -= 148; if (x >= 0 && x < 800 && y >= 0 && y < 600) { x += this.playerLoc.x - 400; y += this.playerLoc.y - 300; final Iterator iter = / 40, y / 40).getObjects().iterator(); Tile closest = null; final Point curPoint = new Point(x, y); if (!iter.hasNext()) { this.selectedObject = null; return; } closest =; while (iter.hasNext()) { final Tile cur =; if (cur.loc.distance(curPoint) < closest.loc.distance(curPoint)) { closest = cur; } } this.selectedObject = closest; } else { this.selectedObject = null; } } private void selectCreature(int x, int y) { x -= 204; y -= 148; if (x >= 0 && x < 800 && y >= 0 && y < 600) { x += this.playerLoc.x - 400; y += this.playerLoc.y - 300; final Iterator iter = / 40, y / 40).getCreatures().iterator(); Creature closest = null; final Point curPoint = new Point(x, y); if (!iter.hasNext()) { this.selectedCreature = null; return; } closest =; while (iter.hasNext()) { final Creature cur =; if (cur.loc.distance(curPoint) < closest.loc.distance(curPoint)) { closest = cur; } } if (this.selectedObject == null || closest.loc.distance(curPoint) < this.selectedObject.loc.distance(curPoint)) { this.selectedCreature = closest; } } else { this.selectedCreature = null; } } public void showMessage(final String text) { this.auxState = AuxState.MsgBox; ((Label)this.wndMessage.getMember("label")).setText(text); } private void selectText(final Textbox text) { if (this.selectedText != null) { this.selectedText.setSelected(false); } if ((this.selectedText = text) != null) { text.setSelected(true); } } private synchronized void handleMouseInput(final MouseEvent e) { if (!this.started) { return; } this.selectText(null); switch (this.auxState) { case None: { switch (this.state) { case Main: { if (this.wndMain.getMember("new map").isClicked(e.getX(), e.getY())) { = new Map(40, 40, this.activeSet.get(0)); this.playerLoc = new Point(400, 300); this.mapName = "mapSave.txt"; this.horBar.setSize(800 * this.horBar.getMaxSize() / ( * 40 + 800)); this.verBar.setSize(600 * this.verBar.getMaxSize() / ( * 40 + 600)); this.horBar.setPosition(this.horBar.getMaxSize() * this.playerLoc.x / (40 * + 800)); this.verBar.setPosition(this.verBar.getMaxSize() * this.playerLoc.y / (40 * + 600)); this.state = State.Edit; break; } if (this.wndMain.getMember("load map").isClicked(e.getX(), e.getY())) { this.auxState = AuxState.LoadMap; ((Textbox)this.wndLoadMap.getMember("map_name")).setText("mapSave.txt"); break; } if (this.wndMain.getMember("quit").isClicked(e.getX(), e.getY())) { this.done = true; break; } break; } case Edit: { if (this.wndEditOptions.getMember("name").isClicked(e.getX(), e.getY())) { this.selectText((Textbox)this.wndEditOptions.getMember("name")); break; } if (this.wndEditOptions.getMember("x").isClicked(e.getX(), e.getY())) { this.selectText((Textbox)this.wndEditOptions.getMember("x")); break; } if (this.wndEditOptions.getMember("y").isClicked(e.getX(), e.getY())) { this.selectText((Textbox)this.wndEditOptions.getMember("y")); break; } if (this.wndEditOptions.getMember("new").isClicked(e.getX(), e.getY())) { this.createNewMap(); break; } if (this.wndEditOptions.getMember("save").isClicked(e.getX(), e.getY())) {; this.showMessage(; break; } if (this.wndEditOptions.getMember("load").isClicked(e.getX(), e.getY())) { this.auxState = AuxState.LoadMap; ((Textbox)this.wndLoadMap.getMember("map_name")).setText("mapSave.txt"); break; } if (this.wndEditOptions.getMember("back").isClicked(e.getX(), e.getY())) { this.state = State.Main; break; } if (this.wndEdit.handleEvent(e)) { this.playerLoc.x = ( * 40 + 800) * this.horBar.getPosition() / this.horBar.getMaxSize(); this.playerLoc.y = ( * 40 + 600) * this.verBar.getPosition() / this.verBar.getMaxSize(); break; } if (this.selectNewImage(e.getX(), e.getY()) || this.changeSet(e.getX(), e.getY()) || this.changeLevel(e.getX(), e.getY())) { break; } if (e.isShiftDown()) { this.selectObject(e.getX(), e.getY()); this.selectCreature(e.getX(), e.getY()); break; } this.placeTile(e.getX(), e.getY()); break; } } break; } case MsgBox: { if (this.wndMessage.getMember("button").isClicked(e.getX(), e.getY())) { this.auxState = AuxState.None; break; } break; } case LoadMap: { if (this.wndLoadMap.getMember("map_name").isClicked(e.getX(), e.getY())) { this.selectText((Textbox)this.wndLoadMap.getMember("map_name")); break; } if (this.wndLoadMap.getMember("load").isClicked(e.getX(), e.getY())) { final String strName = ((Textbox)this.wndLoadMap.getMember("map_name")).getText(); = null; final Map newMap = Map.load(strName,, this.imageMap, this.crMap); if (newMap.valid) { = newMap; this.playerLoc = new Point(400, 300); this.mapName = strName; this.horBar.setSize(800 * this.horBar.getMaxSize() / ( * 40 + 800)); this.verBar.setSize(600 * this.verBar.getMaxSize() / ( * 40 + 600)); this.horBar.setPosition(this.horBar.getMaxSize() * this.playerLoc.x / (40 * + 800)); this.verBar.setPosition(this.verBar.getMaxSize() * this.playerLoc.y / (40 * + 600)); this.state = State.Edit; } this.showMessage(newMap.message); break; } if (this.wndLoadMap.getMember("back").isClicked(e.getX(), e.getY())) { this.auxState = AuxState.None; break; } break; } } } public void handleKeyboardInput(final KeyEvent e) { if (this.selectedText != null) { this.selectedText.handleEvent(e); } else if (e.getKeyCode() == 83) { this.showFps = !this.showFps; } else if (e.getKeyCode() == 27) { if (this.state == State.Edit) { this.state = State.Main; } else { this.done = true; } } else if (e.getKeyCode() == 127) { if (this.state == State.Edit && this.selectedObject != null) {, this.selectedObject.getMapY(), this.selectedObject); this.selectedObject = null; } if (this.state == State.Edit && this.selectedCreature != null) {, this.selectedCreature.getMapY(), this.selectedCreature); this.selectedCreature = null; } } else if (e.getKeyCode() == 90 && this.state == State.Edit) { this.bounds = !this.bounds; } else if (e.getKeyCode() == 88 && this.state == State.Edit) { this.passable = !this.passable; } } @Override public void mousePressed(final MouseEvent e) { this.handleMouseInput(e); } @Override public void mouseReleased(final MouseEvent e) { } @Override public void mouseEntered(final MouseEvent e) { } @Override public void mouseExited(final MouseEvent e) { } @Override public void mouseClicked(final MouseEvent e) { } @Override public void keyTyped(final KeyEvent e) { } @Override public void keyPressed(final KeyEvent e) { this.handleKeyboardInput(e); } @Override public void keyReleased(final KeyEvent e) { } public static void main(final String[] args) { try { final PrintStream st = new PrintStream(new FileOutputStream("errMapEditor.txt", true)); System.setErr(st); System.setOut(st); System.out.println("-----[ Session started on " + Utils.dateString() + " ]-----"); final GraphicsEnvironment env = GraphicsEnvironment.getLocalGraphicsEnvironment(); final GraphicsDevice device = env.getDefaultScreenDevice(); new MapEditor(device); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } System.exit(0); } public enum AuxState { None("None", 0), MsgBox("MsgBox", 1), LoadMap("LoadMap", 2); private AuxState(final String s, final int n) { } } private enum GroundType { Grass("Grass", 0), Dirt("Dirt", 1), Stone("Stone", 2); private GroundType(final String s, final int n) { } } public enum State { Main("Main", 0), Edit("Edit", 1); private State(final String s, final int n) { } } }