1 | #include "DataAccess.h"
2 |
3 | #include <iostream>
4 | #include <sstream>
5 | #include <cstdlib>
6 |
7 | using namespace std;
8 |
9 | DataAccess::DataAccess()
10 | {
11 | mysql_init(&mysql);
12 | connection = mysql_real_connect(&mysql, "localhost", "pythonAdmin", "pyMaster09*", "pythondb", 0, 0, 0);
13 |
14 | if (connection == NULL) {
15 | cout << mysql_error(&mysql) << endl;
16 | }else
17 | cout << "Connection successful" << endl;
18 | }
19 |
20 | DataAccess::~DataAccess()
21 | {
22 | mysql_close(connection);
23 | mysql_close(&mysql);
24 | }
25 |
26 | int DataAccess::insertPlayer(string username, string password, Player::PlayerClass playerClass)
27 | {
28 | ostringstream oss;
29 |
30 | string salt = "$1$";
31 | int random;
32 | char chr;
33 | for(int i=0; i<8; i++)
34 | {
35 | random = rand() % 62;
36 | if (random < 26)
37 | chr = (char)('a'+random);
38 | else if (random < 52)
39 | chr = (char)('A'+random-26);
40 | else
41 | chr = (char)('0'+random-52);
42 | salt += chr;
43 | }
44 | salt += '$';
45 |
46 | string encrypted(crypt(password.c_str(), salt.c_str()));
47 |
48 | oss << "'" << username << "', '" << encrypted << "', " << playerClass;
49 |
50 | return insert("users", "name, password, class", oss.str());
51 | }
52 |
53 | int DataAccess::updatePlayer(string username, string password)
54 | {
55 | ostringstream values, where;
56 |
57 | values << "password='" << password << "'";
58 |
59 | where << "name='" << username << "'";
60 |
61 | return update("users", values.str(), where.str());
62 | }
63 |
64 | Player *DataAccess::getPlayer(string username)
65 | {
66 | MYSQL_RES *result;
67 | MYSQL_ROW row;
68 | Player *p;
69 | ostringstream oss;
70 |
71 | oss << "name='" << username << "'";
72 |
73 | result = select("users", oss.str().c_str());
74 |
75 | cout << "Got result" << endl;
76 |
77 | if (result == NULL) {
78 | cout << "Error occured" << endl;
79 | cout << mysql_error(connection) << endl;
80 | return NULL;
81 | }
82 |
83 | if ( ( row = mysql_fetch_row(result)) != NULL ) {
84 | cout << "Creating a new player" << endl;
85 | p = new Player(string(row[1]), string(row[2]));
86 | p->setClass((Player::PlayerClass)atoi(row[3]));
87 | cout << "Class from db: " << atoi(row[3]) << endl;
88 | cout << "Player class: " << p->playerClass << endl;
89 | cout << "Created new player" << endl;
90 | }else {
91 | cout << "Returned no results for some reason" << endl;
92 | p = NULL;
93 | }
94 |
95 | mysql_free_result(result);
96 |
97 | return p;
98 | }
99 |
100 | // need to make sure this list is freed
101 | // since we need to create a DataAccess class
102 | // when calling these functions,
103 | // we could free this list in the destructor
104 | list<Player*>* DataAccess::getPlayers()
105 | {
106 | MYSQL_RES *result;
107 | MYSQL_ROW row;
108 | ostringstream oss;
109 |
110 | result = select("users", "");
111 |
112 | if (result == NULL) {
113 | cout << mysql_error(connection) << endl;
114 | return NULL;
115 | }
116 |
117 | list<Player*>* lstPlayers = new list<Player*>();
118 | while ( ( row = mysql_fetch_row(result)) != NULL ) {
119 | cout << row[0] << ", " << row[1] << ", " << row[2] << endl;
120 | lstPlayers->push_back(new Player(row[1], row[2]));
121 | }
122 |
123 | mysql_free_result(result);
124 |
125 | return lstPlayers;
126 | }
127 |
128 | bool DataAccess::verifyPassword(string password, string encrypted)
129 | {
130 | string test(crypt(password.c_str(), encrypted.c_str()));
131 |
132 | return encrypted.compare(test) == 0;
133 | }
134 |
135 | int DataAccess::insert(string table, string columns, string values)
136 | {
137 | int query_state;
138 | ostringstream oss;
139 |
140 | oss << "INSERT into " << table << " (" << columns << ") VALUES (" << values << ")";
141 | cout << "query: " << oss.str() << endl;
142 |
143 | query_state = mysql_query(connection, oss.str().c_str());
144 |
145 | if (query_state != 0) {
146 | cout << mysql_error(connection) << endl;
147 | return 1;
148 | }
149 |
150 | return 0;
151 | }
152 |
153 | int DataAccess::update(string table, string values, string where)
154 | {
155 | int query_state;
156 | ostringstream oss;
157 |
158 | oss << "UPDATE " << table << " SET " << values << " WHERE " << where;
159 | cout << "query: " << oss.str() << endl;
160 |
161 | query_state = mysql_query(connection, oss.str().c_str());
162 |
163 | if (query_state != 0) {
164 | cout << mysql_error(connection) << endl;
165 | return 1;
166 | }
167 |
168 | return 0;
169 | }
170 |
171 | MYSQL_RES *DataAccess::select(string table, string filter)
172 | {
173 | MYSQL_RES *result;
174 | int query_state;
175 | ostringstream oss;
176 |
177 | oss << "SELECT * FROM " << table;
178 | if (!filter.empty())
179 | oss << " WHERE " << filter;
180 |
181 | query_state = mysql_query(connection, oss.str().c_str());
182 |
183 | if (query_state != 0) {
184 | cout << mysql_error(connection) << endl;
185 | return NULL;
186 | }
187 |
188 | return mysql_store_result(connection);
189 | }