Last change
on this file since a9a1295 was 53643ca, checked in by Dmitry Portnoy <dmp1488@…>, 10 years ago |
Server loads user profile and game history info from the database, saves game history to the db after every game, and uses a lua settings file to load db settings
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set to
File size:
1.2 KB
Line | |
1 | #include "LuaLoader.h"
2 |
3 | #include <iostream>
4 |
5 | using namespace std;
6 |
7 | LuaLoader::LuaLoader()
8 | {
9 | // new Lua state
10 | std::cout << "[C++] Starting Lua state" << std::endl;
11 | this->lua_state = luaL_newstate();
12 |
13 | // load Lua libraries
14 | std::cout << "[C++] Loading Lua libraries" << std::endl;
15 | static const luaL_Reg lualibs[] =
16 | {
17 | {"base", luaopen_base},
18 | {"io", luaopen_io},
19 | {NULL, NULL}
20 | };
21 | const luaL_Reg *lib = lualibs;
22 | for(; lib->func != NULL; lib++)
23 | {
24 | std::cout << " loading '" << lib->name << "'" << std::endl;
25 | luaL_requiref(this->lua_state, lib->name, lib->func, 1);
26 | lua_settop(this->lua_state, 0);
27 | }
28 | }
29 |
30 | LuaLoader::~LuaLoader()
31 | {
32 | }
33 |
34 | bool LuaLoader::runScript(string filename)
35 | {
36 | // load the script
37 | int status = luaL_loadfile(this->lua_state, filename.c_str());
38 | cout << " return: " << status << std::endl;
39 |
40 | // run the script with the given arguments
41 | cout << "[C++] Running script" << std::endl;
42 | if (status == LUA_OK) {
43 | lua_pcall(lua_state, 0, LUA_MULTRET, 0);
44 | return true;
45 | } else {
46 | return false;
47 | }
48 | }
49 |
50 | string LuaLoader::getValue(string key)
51 | {
52 | lua_getfield(lua_state, 1, key.c_str());
53 | string str(luaL_checkstring(lua_state, -1));
54 |
55 | return str;
56 | }
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