1 | --------------------
3 | --------------------
4 |
5 | These are the most up-to-date instructions. Use these rather than the ones
6 | listed further down, which are for the old OpenGL version of the game
7 |
8 | Windows
9 | --------
10 |
11 | Create an include directory inside the opengl-game folder
12 |
13 | Download GLM and copy the glm folder into your include directory
14 |
15 | Download the 64bit pre-compiledbinaries of GLFW3
16 | - Copy lib-vc2019/glfw3.lib into your lib directory
17 | - Copy the whole include/GLFW directory into your include directory
18 |
19 | Download the SDL2 pre-built Windows binaries
20 | - Copy the SDL2 include folder into /include and rename it SDL2
21 | - Copy the contents of lib/x64 to lib
22 |
23 | Download the SDL2_image Visual C++ development libraries from https://www.libsdl.org/projects/SDL_image/
24 | Download the SDL2_ttf Visual C++ development libraries from https://www.libsdl.org/projects/SDL_ttf/
25 | (Might use SDL2_gfx later as well)
26 |
27 | Copy the 64-bit static libraries to the lib directory you created above
28 |
29 | TODO: Figure out how to do static compilation with SDL2
30 |
31 | Since I'm currently using dynamic SDL2 libraries for Windows, some DLLs from sdl2-ttf and sdl2-image
32 |
33 | Download the vulkan sdk
34 | - Add the location of the Include folder to the VS2019 project properties under C/C++ -> General -> Addition Include DIrectories
35 | - Add the location of the Lib folder to the VS2019 project properties under Linker -> General -> Addition Library DIrectories
36 |
37 | Linux:
38 | --------
39 |
40 | Download the vulkan sdk (make sure VULKAN_SDK_PATH in the makefile points to it)
41 |
42 | sudo apt-get install libxcb1-dev xorg-dev libglm-dev libsdl2-dev libsdl2-image-dev libsdl2-ttf-dev
43 |
44 | source setup-env.sh into your current shell
45 |
46 | mActually, I think now this should work, after following the online instructions for installing Vulkan:
47 | sudo apt-get install vulkan-sdk libsdl2-dev libsdl2-image-dev libsdl2-ttf-dev libglm-dev
48 | (Follow the instructions at https://vulkan.lunarg.com/sdk/home#linux to add the latest Vulkan SDK version to apt-get)
49 | (Verify that installing libvulkan-1 is not required)
50 |
51 | make vulkangame && ./vulkangame
52 |
53 | For the sfml version: (these directions need verification)
54 |
55 | sudo apt-get install libglm-dev libsfml-dev
56 |
57 | Currently, the apt-get sfml package doesn't have Vulkan support, so need to install from source as follows:
58 |
59 | Build the library yourself by following the instructions at https://www.sfml-dev.org/tutorials/2.5/compile-with-cmake.php
60 |
61 | sudo apt-get install libfreetype-dev libx11-dev libxrandr-dev libudev-dev libopengl-dev libflac-dev libogg-dev libvorbis-dev libopenal-dev libpthread-stubs0-dev
62 |
63 | sudo apt-get install cmake-qt-gui
64 |
65 | Clone the sfml repo
66 |
67 | OSX
68 | --------
69 |
70 | brew install cmake pkg-config glm sdl2 sdl2_image sdl2_ttf sdl2_gfx
71 | (cmake is needed for the python script mentioned below)
72 |
73 | Download the Vulkan SDK from https://vulkan.lunarg.com/sdk/home
74 |
75 | Install it by running this from inside the downloaded folder:
76 | sudo ./install_vulkan.py
77 |
78 | make shaders
79 | make vulkangame
80 | ./vulkangame
81 |
82 |
84 |
85 | OLD INSTALL INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE OpenGL version (might no longer work)
86 | -----------------------------------------------------------------------
87 |
88 | Installation Instructions for Linux
89 | ---------------------------------------
90 |
91 | sudo apt-get install xorg-dev libglew-dev libglm-dev libglfw3-dev
92 |
93 | make openglref && ./openglref
94 |
95 | (Old Linux instructions for compiling game.cpp)
96 | -sudo apt-get install cmake xorg-dev libglew-dev libglu1-mesa-dev freeglut3-dev mesa-common-dev
97 |
98 | -Compile GLFW3 from source
99 | (cmake . && make && sudo make install)
100 |
101 | Installation Instructions for OSX
102 | ---------------------------------------
103 |
104 | brew install glew
105 | brew install glfw --without-shared-library
106 | brew install glm
107 |
108 | This should place all necessary files (or possibly symlinks to them) in
109 | /usr/loca/include and /usr/local/lib.
110 |
111 | Run 'xcode-select --install'
112 | This should make g++ check for libraries in /usr/local/
113 |
114 | If the above command gives you the following error, you should be able to move on and compile the game.
115 | "xcode-select: error: command line tools are already installed, use "Software Update" to install updates"
116 |
117 | make newgame && ./newgame
118 |
119 | Installation Instructions for Windows
120 | ---------------------------------------
121 |
122 | Create lib/ and include/ folders in the root opengl-game directory you cloned.
123 |
124 | Download the pre-compiled 64bit binaries of GLFW and GLEW.
125 | Copy the include/GL/ and include/GLFW/ folders into your include/ folder.
126 |
127 | For GLEW, copy lib/RELEASE/Win64/glew32s.lib into your lib folder.
128 | For GLFW, copy lib-vc2019/glfw3.lib into your lib folder.
129 |
130 | Download GLM and copy the glm folder (the one with all the .hpp files) into the include/ folder you made above.
131 | GLM is a header-only library, so there is nothing to copy into the lib/ folder.
132 |
133 | Open and run NewOpenGLGame.sln in Visual Studio 2017 and run it.
134 |
135 |
136 |
138 | ----------
139 |
140 | UV coords 0 u 1 x, y, z -1 (untransformed z ranges from 0 to 1, glm::perspective seems to make the z range negative)
141 | 0 -------> ^
142 | | |
143 | v | -1 | 0 1
144 | | <-----|----->
145 | 1 V /|
146 | / |
147 | 1 v
148 | 1
149 |
151 | -----------
152 |
153 | The deploy folder has an old Inno Setup script for deploying the game on Windows.
154 |
155 | I should check out IzPack. Seems to be a cross-platform solution.