1 | #include "opengl-game.hpp"
2 |
3 | #include <iostream>
4 |
5 | #include "consts.hpp"
6 | #include "logger.hpp"
7 |
8 | using namespace std;
9 |
10 | OpenGLGame::OpenGLGame() {
11 | gui = nullptr;
12 | window = nullptr;
13 | }
14 |
15 | OpenGLGame::~OpenGLGame() {
16 | }
17 |
18 | void OpenGLGame::run(int width, int height, unsigned char guiFlags) {
19 | #ifdef NDEBUG
20 | cout << "DEBUGGING IS OFF" << endl;
21 | #else
22 | cout << "DEBUGGING IS ON" << endl;
23 | #endif
24 |
25 | cout << "OpenGL Game" << endl;
26 |
27 | // TODO: Refactor the logger api to be more flexible,
28 | // esp. since gl_log() and gl_log_err() have issues printing anything besides stirngs
29 | restart_gl_log();
30 | gl_log("starting GLFW\n%s", glfwGetVersionString());
31 |
32 | open_log();
33 | get_log() << "starting GLFW" << endl;
34 | get_log() << glfwGetVersionString() << endl;
35 |
36 | if (initWindow(width, height, guiFlags) == RTWO_ERROR) {
37 | return;
38 | }
39 |
40 | initOpenGL();
41 | mainLoop();
42 | cleanup();
43 |
44 | close_log();
45 | }
46 |
47 | // TODO: Make some more initi functions, or call this initUI if the
48 | // amount of things initialized here keeps growing
49 | bool OpenGLGame::initWindow(int width, int height, unsigned char guiFlags) {
50 | // TODO: Put all fonts, textures, and images in the assets folder
51 | gui = new GameGui_GLFW();
52 |
53 | if (gui->init() == RTWO_ERROR) {
54 | // TODO: Also print these sorts of errors to the log
55 | cout << "UI library could not be initialized!" << endl;
56 | cout << gui->getError() << endl;
57 | return RTWO_ERROR;
58 | }
59 | cout << "GUI init succeeded" << endl;
60 |
61 | window = (GLFWwindow*) gui->createWindow("OpenGL Game", width, height, guiFlags & GUI_FLAGS_WINDOW_FULLSCREEN);
62 | if (window == nullptr) {
63 | cout << "Window could not be created!" << endl;
64 | cout << gui->getError() << endl;
65 | return RTWO_ERROR;
66 | }
67 |
68 | cout << "Target window size: (" << width << ", " << height << ")" << endl;
69 | cout << "Actual window size: (" << gui->getWindowWidth() << ", " << gui->getWindowHeight() << ")" << endl;
70 |
71 | return RTWO_SUCCESS;
72 | }
73 |
74 | void OpenGLGame::initOpenGL() {
75 | glfwMakeContextCurrent(window);
76 | glViewport(0, 0, gui->getWindowWidth(), gui->getWindowHeight());
77 |
78 | glewExperimental = GL_TRUE;
79 | glewInit();
80 |
81 | if (GLEW_KHR_debug) {
82 | cout << "FOUND GLEW debug extension" << endl;
84 | glDebugMessageCallback((GLDEBUGPROC)opengl_debug_callback, nullptr);
85 | cout << "Bound debug callback" << endl;
86 | } else {
87 | cout << "OpenGL debug message callback is not supported" << endl;
88 | }
89 | }
90 |
91 | void OpenGLGame::mainLoop() {
92 | UIEvent e;
93 | bool quit = false;
94 |
95 | while (!quit) {
96 | gui->processEvents();
97 |
98 | while (gui->pollEvent(&e)) {
99 | switch (e.type) {
100 | case UI_EVENT_QUIT:
101 | cout << "Quit event detected" << endl;
102 | quit = true;
103 | break;
104 | case UI_EVENT_KEY:
105 | if (e.key.keycode == GLFW_KEY_ESCAPE) {
106 | quit = true;
107 | } else {
108 | cout << "Key event detected" << endl;
109 | }
110 | break;
111 | default:
112 | cout << "Unhandled UI event: " << e.type << endl;
113 | }
114 | }
115 |
117 |
118 | // Anton's book suggests placing this here, after glClear(). Check it's impact on framerate
119 | // TODO: This doesn't seem to work correctly when in the loop. DO some research
120 | // max viewport dims are clamped to glGet(GL_MAX_VIEWPORT_DIMS)
121 | //glViewport(0, 0, gui->getWindowWidth(), gui->getWindowHeight());
122 |
123 | glfwSwapBuffers(window);
124 | }
125 | }
126 |
127 | void OpenGLGame::cleanup() {
128 | gui->destroyWindow();
129 | gui->shutdown();
130 | delete gui;
131 | }
132 |
133 | void APIENTRY opengl_debug_callback(
134 | GLenum source,
135 | GLenum type,
136 | GLuint id,
137 | GLenum severity,
138 | GLsizei length,
139 | const GLchar* message,
140 | const void* userParam
141 | ) {
142 | string strMessage(message);
143 |
144 | // TODO: Use C++ strings directly and see if there are other ways to clean
145 | // this function up
146 | char source_str[2048];
147 | char type_str[2048];
148 | char severity_str[2048];
149 |
150 | switch (source) {
151 | case 0x8246:
152 | strcpy(source_str, "API");
153 | break;
154 | case 0x8247:
155 | strcpy(source_str, "WINDOW_SYSTEM");
156 | break;
157 | case 0x8248:
158 | strcpy(source_str, "SHADER_COMPILER");
159 | break;
160 | case 0x8249:
161 | strcpy(source_str, "THIRD_PARTY");
162 | break;
163 | case 0x824A:
164 | strcpy(source_str, "APPLICATION");
165 | break;
166 | case 0x824B:
167 | strcpy(source_str, "OTHER");
168 | break;
169 | default:
170 | strcpy(source_str, "undefined");
171 | break;
172 | }
173 |
174 | switch (type) {
175 | case 0x824C:
176 | strcpy(type_str, "ERROR");
177 | break;
178 | case 0x824D:
179 | strcpy(type_str, "DEPRECATED_BEHAVIOR");
180 | break;
181 | case 0x824E:
182 | strcpy(type_str, "UNDEFINED_BEHAVIOR");
183 | break;
184 | case 0x824F:
185 | strcpy(type_str, "PORTABILITY");
186 | break;
187 | case 0x8250:
188 | strcpy(type_str, "PERFORMANCE");
189 | break;
190 | case 0x8251:
191 | strcpy(type_str, "OTHER");
192 | break;
193 | case 0x8268:
194 | strcpy(type_str, "MARKER");
195 | break;
196 | case 0x8269:
197 | strcpy(type_str, "PUSH_GROUP");
198 | break;
199 | case 0x826A:
200 | strcpy(type_str, "POP_GROUP");
201 | break;
202 | default:
203 | strcpy(type_str, "undefined");
204 | break;
205 | }
206 | switch (severity) {
207 | case 0x9146:
208 | strcpy(severity_str, "HIGH");
209 | break;
210 | case 0x9147:
211 | strcpy(severity_str, "MEDIUM");
212 | break;
213 | case 0x9148:
214 | strcpy(severity_str, "LOW");
215 | break;
216 | case 0x826B:
217 | strcpy(severity_str, "NOTIFICATION");
218 | break;
219 | default:
220 | strcpy(severity_str, "undefined");
221 | break;
222 | }
223 |
224 | if (string(severity_str) != "NOTIFICATION") {
225 | cout << "OpenGL Error!!!" << endl;
226 | cout << "Source: " << string(source_str) << endl;
227 | cout << "Type: " << string(type_str) << endl;
228 | cout << "Severity: " << string(severity_str) << endl;
229 | cout << strMessage << endl;
230 | }
231 | } |