#ifndef _OPENGL_GAME_H #define _OPENGL_GAME_H #include // TODO: Rewrite this to work with the new version of IMGUI #include "IMGUI/imgui.h" #include "imgui_impl_glfw_gl3.h" #include "game-gui-glfw.hpp" #include "graphics-pipeline_opengl.hpp" // TODO: Figure out if these structs should be defined in the OpenGLGame class enum ObjectType { TYPE_SHIP, TYPE_ASTEROID, TYPE_LASER, TYPE_EXPLOSION, }; struct SceneObject { unsigned int id; ObjectType type; bool deleted; // Currently, model_transform should only have translate, and rotation and scale need to be done in model_base since // they need to be done when the object is at the origin. I should change this to have separate scale, rotate, and translate // matrices for each object that can be updated independently and then applied to the object in that order. // TODO: Actually, to make this as generic as possible, each object should have a matrix stack to support, // for instance, applying a rotate, then a translate, then another rotate. Think about and implement the best approach. glm::mat4 model_mat, model_base, model_transform; glm::mat4 translate_mat; // beginning of doing what's mentioned above unsigned int num_points; GLuint vertex_vbo_offset; GLuint ubo_offset; vector points; vector colors; vector texcoords; vector normals; glm::vec3 bounding_center; GLfloat bounding_radius; }; struct ParticleEffect : SceneObject { vector particleVelocities; vector particleTimes; GLfloat startTime; GLfloat duration; }; class OpenGLGame { public: OpenGLGame(); ~OpenGLGame(); void run(int width, int height, unsigned char guiFlags); private: GameGui* gui; Viewport viewport; vector graphicsPipelines; GLFWwindow* window; bool initWindow(int width, int height, unsigned char guiFlags); void initOpenGL(); void mainLoop(); void renderScene(); void renderUI(); void cleanup(); }; void APIENTRY opengl_debug_callback( GLenum source, GLenum type, GLuint id, GLenum severity, GLsizei length, const GLchar* message, const void* userParam ); #endif // _OPENGL_GAME_H