Branch Branch LightWeapon no description 8 3 Dagger Dagger LightWeapon no description 8 6 Blade Blade LightWeapon no description 10 9 Claymore Claymore HeavyWeapon no description 16 16 Waraxe Waraxe HeavyWeapon no description 12 14 Maul Maul HeavyWeapon no description 18 20 Crossbow CrossBow RangedWeapon no description 20 150 14 Bow Small Bow RangedWeapon no description 8 240 5 Composite Bow Ornate Bow RangedWeapon no description 8 400 8 Longbow LongBow RangedWeapon no description 12 340 10 Fire Scroll fireScroll Relic no description Ice Scroll iceScroll Relic no description BNW Shirt BNW Shirt Relic no description Power Sword Power Sword Relic no description Studded Leather Armor Studded Leather Armor Relic no description Patched Leather Patched Leather Relic no description FireGem Fire Gem Deals 4 damage to the target 1 WaterGem Water Gem Enemy deals %80 damage for 5 sec 1 AirGem Air Gem Increases speed of the projectile by 100 pixels/sec 1 EarthGem Earth Gem Deals 4 damage to any enemies in close proximity to the target 4 SteamMetaGem MetaSteam Gem Affected enemy will attack the nearest creature for 2 sec 3 SandMetaGem MetaSand Gem Affected enemies will not be able to attack for 5 sec 2 MetalMetaGem MetaMetal Gem Spell continues to its target after damaging any enemies it encounters 3 IceMetaGem MetaIce Gem Affected enemies will not be able to move or attack for 3 sec 2 MudMetaGem MetaMud Gem Slows the enemy by 40% for 8 sec 2 CrystalMetaGem MetaCrystal Gem Player gains 5 health when the spell is cast 3