#1 It's glad to see a friendly face. I was sure I was going to be hunted down soon. [2] Wait, what are you talking about? #2 These people... They came here and killed everyone. I was the village elder and I should have stopped them. [3] Don't be ridiculous. There's nothing you could have done. [4] How were you able to get away? #3 Hmm... I guess not. But you can. Please, please carry out this vengeance for me. [5] I shall try. #4 They probably didn't see me as a threat, so they didn't go after me right away. I ran to get some weapons, but when I got back, everyone was dead. [5] I'm sorry. It must be hard on you. #5 I'm too frail to aid you in the fight, but if you are injured, come back to me. That way, I can still do some good. [NULL] %1 (end)