#1 I heard that you were coming here. I hope you made it without incident. [2] I met a couple bandits, but I managed to kill them. #2 These bandits worry me. Their numbers grow every day and our dwindle. [3] Did this used to be a village? It looks destroyed. #3 Yes, we were recently attacked and all that's left is what you see here. [4] There are only a couple of you here. Did there used to be more? #4 Yes, but most either died when we were attacked or have gone missing. I hope that some are still alive and just haven't been able to get back to the village. [5] Is there anything we can do? We should probably search for them. #5 There's a large bandit camp to the west of the village. Try looking there. You could also take the chance to thin their numbers a bit. [5] I'll try to get back safely. #5 I'm too frail to aid you in the fight, but if you are injured, come back to me so I can heal you. That way, I can still do some good. [NULL] %1 (end)