#1 Stay back! Who are you? [2] Wait, what are you talking about? What is this place? #2 Ah, you must have come here just like the others. Good thing I found you. [3] Others? What do you mean? [4] So, what happens now? #3 I'll explain later. Right now, we just need to get you to safety. [4] Ok, where do we go? #4 We have to go back to the village. It's up north. I have some thing to do first, but you can probably go alone. [5] How far is it? #5 Not far at all. Just go up this path. However, this area can be dangerous. There might be bandits on the way. [6] %1 What should I do if I see them? #6 Your best bet is to kill them. Here are some items to help you deal with them. [7] But I've never used a sword before. #7 Open up your inventory (click the 'I' in the lower part of the screen) to see your items. Then, open up your character window (the 'C' button) to equip your items. Drag items from your inventory to the equipment slots in the character menu (blue rectangles). As you kill enemies, you will also gain experience and may gain a level. When you do, you can distribute new stat points in the top part of the character screen. [8] (continue) #8 You can also view different stats in the character menu and mouseover them to see descriptions. [9] (continue) #9 If you do kill some bandits, they might drop items. These items will automatically be placed in your inventory. Your inventory has limited space. If you want to throw away items to free up some space, just drag them out of the inventory window. [NULL] (end)