
Jul 24, 2014:

2:12 AM Changeset in network-game [81c4e8a] by dportnoy <dmp1488@…>
Spelling correction in client gui

Jul 19, 2014:

12:35 AM Changeset in network-game [4c00935] by dportnoy <dmp1488@…>
Client draws real player info and game history on the profile screen …
12:32 AM Changeset in network-game [53643ca] by Dmitry Portnoy <dmp1488@…>
Server loads user profile and game history info from the database, …

Jul 5, 2014:

2:27 AM Changeset in network-game [cdb0e98] by Dmitry Portnoy <dmp1488@…>
Server replies to the client's PROFILE request with hard-coded data …
2:26 AM Changeset in network-game [b28e2bf] by dportnoy <dmp1488@…>
Client processes server PROFILE message and displays the player's …
12:52 AM Changeset in network-game [fd9cdb5] by dportnoy <dmp1488@…>
Add new player profile screen, accessible from the lobby, which shows …

Jul 4, 2014:

10:43 PM Changeset in network-game [abc4d56] by Dmitry Portnoy <dmp1488@…>
Server processes and broadcasts START_GAME messages
10:41 PM Changeset in network-game [cf05729] by dportnoy <dmp1488@…>
Client processes START_GAME response
10:22 PM Changeset in network-game [cb5a021] by dportnoy <dmp1488@…>
Client sends a new START_GAME message to start a game from the game lobby
8:35 PM Changeset in network-game [b1ce08c] by dportnoy <dmp1488@…>
Merge branch 'master' of github.com:weretaco/network-game
8:35 PM Changeset in network-game [dfc81f0] by dportnoy <dmp1488@…>
Fix potential client run-time error
8:34 PM Changeset in network-game [f15d6a9] by Dmitry Portnoy <dmp1488@…>
Server processes JOIN_GAME messages and broadcasts the info to all players
8:23 PM Changeset in network-game [3476207] by dportnoy <dmp1488@…>
Client shows all players in the game lobby and sends messages to the …
8:14 PM Changeset in network-game [e98426d] by dportnoy <dmp1488@…>
New JOIN_GAME message that client sends to server to indicate …
8:09 PM Changeset in network-game [ea17281] by dportnoy <dmp1488@…>
Game.addPlayer takes a boolean to indicate wheter it runs on the …

Jun 30, 2014:

11:51 PM Changeset in network-game [a0ce8a3] by dportnoy <dmp1488@…>
Begin creation of the lobby screen for an individual game

Jun 28, 2014:

2:11 AM Changeset in network-game [e708305] by Dmitry Portnoy <dmp1488@…>
Client makefile works on both linux and mac
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.