
Mar 24, 2017:

7:26 PM Changeset in python-game [e79c833] by Dmitry Portnoy <dmp1488@…>
Add basic OpenGL (along with the ability to still use 2d pygame …

Mar 6, 2017:

2:47 AM Changeset in python-game [1d1c77e] by Dmitry Portnoy <dmitry.portnoy@…>
Correctly detect the native resolution on Mac
1:27 AM Changeset in python-game [b632a7c] by Dmitry Portnoy <dmp1488@…>
Add a README and correctly detect the native resolution on Linux
12:46 AM Changeset in python-game [3960923] by Dmitry Portnoy <dmp1488@…>
Initial commit

Feb 26, 2017:

4:04 PM Changeset in opengl-game [b33f87b]feature/imgui-sdlpoints-test by Dmitry Portnoy <dmp1488@…>
Use EXIT_SUCCESS and EXIT_FAILURE and add basic fullscreen support
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.