
Dec 16, 2020:

2:54 AM Changeset in opengl-game [a2f62d7]feature/imgui-sdl by Dmitry Portnoy <dportnoy@…>
Make some minor updates to OpenGLReference

Dec 15, 2020:

1:08 AM Changeset in opengl-game [e68d549]feature/imgui-sdl by Dmitry Portnoy <dportnoy@…>
Remove the STB_IMAGE_IMPLEMENTATION definition from stb_image.h

Dec 6, 2020:

2:50 AM Changeset in opengl-game [aaf27cd]feature/imgui-sdl by Dmitry Portnoy <dportnoy@…>
In OpenGLReference, fix an OpenGL error when adding new objects
12:02 AM Changeset in opengl-game [670c09a]feature/imgui-sdl by Dmitry Portnoy <dportnoy@…>
Fix makefile formatting

Dec 5, 2020:

7:31 PM Changeset in opengl-game [95c657f]feature/imgui-sdl by Dmitry Portnoy <dportnoy@…>
Update the makefile recipes for openglref and openglgame to work with …
7:14 PM Changeset in opengl-game [e66fd66]feature/imgui-sdl by Dmitry Portnoy <dportnoy@…>
In OpenGLReference, change all enums to enum classes and update IMGUI …
1:17 AM Changeset in opengl-game [78c3045]feature/imgui-sdl by Dmitry Portnoy <dportnoy@…>
Update the Linux build instructions and makefile recipe for the OpenGL …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.