1 | #ifndef _VULKAN_GAME_H
2 | #define _VULKAN_GAME_H
3 |
5 | #define GLM_FORCE_DEPTH_ZERO_TO_ONE // Since, in Vulkan, the depth range is 0 to 1 instead of -1 to 1
7 |
8 | #include <glm/glm.hpp>
9 | #include <glm/gtc/matrix_transform.hpp>
10 |
11 | #include "game-gui-sdl.hpp"
12 | #include "graphics-pipeline_vulkan.hpp"
13 |
14 | #include "vulkan-utils.hpp"
15 |
16 | using namespace glm;
17 |
18 | #ifdef NDEBUG
19 | const bool ENABLE_VALIDATION_LAYERS = false;
20 | #else
21 | const bool ENABLE_VALIDATION_LAYERS = true;
22 | #endif
23 |
24 | struct ModelVertex {
25 | vec3 pos;
26 | vec3 color;
27 | vec2 texCoord;
28 | };
29 |
30 | struct OverlayVertex {
31 | vec3 pos;
32 | vec2 texCoord;
33 | };
34 |
35 | struct ShipVertex {
36 | vec3 pos;
37 | vec3 color;
38 | vec3 normal;
39 | unsigned int objIndex;
40 | };
41 |
42 | struct AsteroidVertex {
43 | vec3 pos;
44 | vec3 color;
45 | vec3 normal;
46 | unsigned int objIndex;
47 | };
48 |
49 | // TODO: Change the index type to uint32_t and check the Vulkan Tutorial loading model section as a reference
50 | // TODO: Create a typedef for index type so I can easily change uin16_t to something else later
51 | template<class VertexType>
52 | struct SceneObject {
53 | vector<VertexType> vertices;
54 | vector<uint16_t> indices;
55 |
56 | mat4 model_base;
57 | mat4 model_transform;
58 | };
59 |
60 | struct UBO_VP_mats {
61 | alignas(16) mat4 view;
62 | alignas(16) mat4 proj;
63 | };
64 |
65 | struct SBO_SceneObject {
66 | alignas(16) mat4 model;
67 | };
68 |
69 | struct SBO_Asteroid {
70 | alignas(16) mat4 model;
71 | alignas(4) float hp;
72 | };
73 |
74 | class VulkanGame {
75 | public:
76 | VulkanGame(int maxFramesInFlight);
77 | ~VulkanGame();
78 |
79 | void run(int width, int height, unsigned char guiFlags);
80 |
81 | private:
82 | const int MAX_FRAMES_IN_FLIGHT;
83 |
84 | const float NEAR_CLIP = 0.1f;
85 | const float FAR_CLIP = 100.0f;
86 | const float FOV_ANGLE = 67.0f; // means the camera lens goes from -33 deg to 33 def
87 |
88 | vec3 cam_pos;
89 |
90 | GameGui* gui;
91 |
92 | SDL_version sdlVersion;
93 | SDL_Window* window = nullptr;
94 | SDL_Renderer* renderer = nullptr;
95 |
96 | SDL_Texture* uiOverlay = nullptr;
97 |
98 | VkInstance instance;
99 | VkDebugUtilsMessengerEXT debugMessenger;
100 | VkSurfaceKHR surface; // TODO: Change the variable name to vulkanSurface
101 | VkPhysicalDevice physicalDevice = VK_NULL_HANDLE;
102 | VkDevice device;
103 |
104 | VkQueue graphicsQueue;
105 | VkQueue presentQueue;
106 |
107 | VkSwapchainKHR swapChain;
108 | vector<VkImage> swapChainImages;
109 | VkFormat swapChainImageFormat;
110 | VkExtent2D swapChainExtent;
111 | vector<VkImageView> swapChainImageViews;
112 | vector<VkFramebuffer> swapChainFramebuffers;
113 |
114 | VkRenderPass renderPass;
115 | VkCommandPool commandPool;
116 | vector<VkCommandBuffer> commandBuffers;
117 |
118 | VulkanImage depthImage;
119 |
120 | VkSampler textureSampler;
121 |
122 | VulkanImage floorTextureImage;
123 | VkDescriptorImageInfo floorTextureImageDescriptor;
124 |
125 | VulkanImage sdlOverlayImage;
126 | VkDescriptorImageInfo sdlOverlayImageDescriptor;
127 |
128 | TTF_Font* font;
129 | SDL_Texture* fontSDLTexture;
130 |
131 | SDL_Texture* imageSDLTexture;
132 |
133 | vector<VkSemaphore> imageAvailableSemaphores;
134 | vector<VkSemaphore> renderFinishedSemaphores;
135 | vector<VkFence> inFlightFences;
136 |
137 | size_t currentFrame;
138 |
139 | bool framebufferResized;
140 |
141 | // TODO: I should probably rename the uniformBuffer* and storageBuffer*
142 | // variables to better reflect the data they hold
143 |
144 | // TODO: Create a struct that holds the buffers, memory, and info objects (Probably in VulkanUtils)
145 |
146 | GraphicsPipeline_Vulkan<OverlayVertex> overlayPipeline;
147 |
148 | vector<SceneObject<OverlayVertex>> overlayObjects;
149 |
150 | // TODO: Rename all the variables related to modelPipeline to use the same pipelie name
151 |
152 | GraphicsPipeline_Vulkan<ModelVertex> modelPipeline;
153 |
154 | vector<SceneObject<ModelVertex>> modelObjects;
155 |
156 | vector<VkBuffer> uniformBuffers_scenePipeline;
157 | vector<VkDeviceMemory> uniformBuffersMemory_scenePipeline;
158 | vector<VkDescriptorBufferInfo> uniformBufferInfoList_scenePipeline;
159 |
160 | vector<VkBuffer> storageBuffers_scenePipeline;
161 | vector<VkDeviceMemory> storageBuffersMemory_scenePipeline;
162 | vector<VkDescriptorBufferInfo> storageBufferInfoList_scenePipeline;
163 |
164 | UBO_VP_mats object_VP_mats;
165 | SBO_SceneObject so_Object;
166 |
167 | GraphicsPipeline_Vulkan<ShipVertex> shipPipeline;
168 |
169 | vector<SceneObject<ShipVertex>> shipObjects;
170 |
171 | vector<VkBuffer> uniformBuffers_shipPipeline;
172 | vector<VkDeviceMemory> uniformBuffersMemory_shipPipeline;
173 | vector<VkDescriptorBufferInfo> uniformBufferInfoList_shipPipeline;
174 |
175 | vector<VkBuffer> storageBuffers_shipPipeline;
176 | vector<VkDeviceMemory> storageBuffersMemory_shipPipeline;
177 | vector<VkDescriptorBufferInfo> storageBufferInfoList_shipPipeline;
178 |
179 | UBO_VP_mats ship_VP_mats;
180 | SBO_SceneObject so_Ship;
181 |
182 | GraphicsPipeline_Vulkan<AsteroidVertex> asteroidPipeline;
183 |
184 | vector<SceneObject<AsteroidVertex>> asteroidObjects;
185 |
186 | vector<VkBuffer> uniformBuffers_asteroidPipeline;
187 | vector<VkDeviceMemory> uniformBuffersMemory_asteroidPipeline;
188 | vector<VkDescriptorBufferInfo> uniformBufferInfoList_asteroidPipeline;
189 |
190 | vector<VkBuffer> storageBuffers_asteroidPipeline;
191 | vector<VkDeviceMemory> storageBuffersMemory_asteroidPipeline;
192 | vector<VkDescriptorBufferInfo> storageBufferInfoList_asteroidPipeline;
193 |
194 | UBO_VP_mats asteroid_VP_mats;
195 | SBO_Asteroid so_Asteroid;
196 |
197 | bool initWindow(int width, int height, unsigned char guiFlags);
198 | void initVulkan();
199 | void initGraphicsPipelines();
200 | void initMatrices();
201 | void mainLoop();
202 | void updateScene(uint32_t currentImage);
203 | void renderUI();
204 | void renderScene();
205 | void cleanup();
206 |
207 | void createVulkanInstance(const vector<const char*> &validationLayers);
208 | void setupDebugMessenger();
209 | void populateDebugMessengerCreateInfo(VkDebugUtilsMessengerCreateInfoEXT& createInfo);
210 | void createVulkanSurface();
211 | void pickPhysicalDevice(const vector<const char*>& deviceExtensions);
212 | bool isDeviceSuitable(VkPhysicalDevice physicalDevice, const vector<const char*>& deviceExtensions);
213 | void createLogicalDevice(
214 | const vector<const char*> validationLayers,
215 | const vector<const char*>& deviceExtensions);
216 | void createSwapChain();
217 | void createImageViews();
218 | void createRenderPass();
219 | VkFormat findDepthFormat();
220 | void createCommandPool();
221 | void createImageResources();
222 |
223 | void createTextureSampler();
224 | void createFramebuffers();
225 | void createCommandBuffers();
226 | void createSyncObjects();
227 |
228 | template<class VertexType>
229 | void addObject(vector<SceneObject<VertexType>>& objects, GraphicsPipeline_Vulkan<VertexType>& pipeline,
230 | const vector<VertexType>& vertices, vector<uint16_t> indices);
231 |
232 | template<class VertexType>
233 | vector<VertexType> addVertexNormals(vector<VertexType> vertices);
234 |
235 | template<class VertexType>
236 | vector<VertexType> addObjectIndex(unsigned int objIndex, vector<VertexType> vertices);
237 |
238 | template<class VertexType>
239 | vector<VertexType> centerObject(vector<VertexType> vertices);
240 |
241 | template<class VertexType>
242 | void transformObject(SceneObject<VertexType>& obj, mat4 mat);
243 |
244 | void createBufferSet(VkDeviceSize bufferSize, VkBufferUsageFlags flags,
245 | vector<VkBuffer>& buffers, vector<VkDeviceMemory>& buffersMemory, vector<VkDescriptorBufferInfo>& bufferInfoList);
246 |
247 | void recreateSwapChain();
248 |
249 | void cleanupSwapChain();
250 |
251 | static VKAPI_ATTR VkBool32 VKAPI_CALL debugCallback(
252 | VkDebugUtilsMessageSeverityFlagBitsEXT messageSeverity,
253 | VkDebugUtilsMessageTypeFlagsEXT messageType,
254 | const VkDebugUtilsMessengerCallbackDataEXT* pCallbackData,
255 | void* pUserData);
256 | };
257 |
258 | template<class VertexType>
259 | void VulkanGame::addObject(vector<SceneObject<VertexType>>& objects, GraphicsPipeline_Vulkan<VertexType>& pipeline,
260 | const vector<VertexType>& vertices, vector<uint16_t> indices) {
261 | size_t numVertices = pipeline.getNumVertices();
262 |
263 | for (uint16_t& idx : indices) {
264 | idx += numVertices;
265 | }
266 |
267 | objects.push_back({ vertices, indices, mat4(1.0f), mat4(1.0f) });
268 |
269 | pipeline.addVertices(vertices, indices, commandPool, graphicsQueue);
270 | }
271 |
272 | template<class VertexType>
273 | vector<VertexType> VulkanGame::addVertexNormals(vector<VertexType> vertices) {
274 | for (unsigned int i = 0; i < vertices.size(); i += 3) {
275 | vec3 p1 = vertices[i].pos;
276 | vec3 p2 = vertices[i+1].pos;
277 | vec3 p3 = vertices[i+2].pos;
278 |
279 | vec3 normal = normalize(cross(p2 - p1, p3 - p1));
280 |
281 | // Add the same normal for all 3 vertices
282 | vertices[i].normal = normal;
283 | vertices[i+1].normal = normal;
284 | vertices[i+2].normal = normal;
285 | }
286 |
287 | return vertices;
288 | }
289 |
290 | template<class VertexType>
291 | vector<VertexType> VulkanGame::addObjectIndex(unsigned int objIndex, vector<VertexType> vertices) {
292 | for (VertexType& vertex : vertices) {
293 | vertex.objIndex = objIndex;
294 | }
295 |
296 | return vertices;
297 | }
298 |
299 | template<class VertexType>
300 | vector<VertexType> VulkanGame::centerObject(vector<VertexType> vertices) {
301 | float min_x = vertices[0].pos.x;
302 | float max_x = vertices[0].pos.x;
303 | float min_y = vertices[0].pos.y;
304 | float max_y = vertices[0].pos.y;
305 | float min_z = vertices[0].pos.z;
306 | float max_z = vertices[0].pos.z;
307 |
308 | // start from the second point
309 | for (unsigned int i = 1; i < vertices.size(); i++) {
310 | if (min_x > vertices[i].pos.x) {
311 | min_x = vertices[i].pos.x;
312 | } else if (max_x < vertices[i].pos.x) {
313 | max_x = vertices[i].pos.x;
314 | }
315 |
316 | if (min_y > vertices[i].pos.y) {
317 | min_y = vertices[i].pos.y;
318 | } else if (max_y < vertices[i].pos.y) {
319 | max_y = vertices[i].pos.y;
320 | }
321 |
322 | if (min_z > vertices[i].pos.z) {
323 | min_z = vertices[i].pos.z;
324 | } else if (max_z < vertices[i].pos.z) {
325 | max_z = vertices[i].pos.z;
326 | }
327 | }
328 |
329 | vec3 center = vec3(min_x + max_x, min_y + max_y, min_z + max_z) / 2.0f;
330 |
331 | for (unsigned int i = 0; i < vertices.size(); i++) {
332 | vertices[i].pos -= center;
333 | }
334 |
335 | return vertices;
336 | }
337 |
338 | template<class VertexType>
339 | void VulkanGame::transformObject(SceneObject<VertexType>& obj, mat4 mat) {
340 | obj.model_transform = mat * obj.model_transform;
341 | }
342 |
343 | #endif // _VULKAN_GAME_H |